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Old 06.03.2011, 16:41
Posts: n/a
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Hi all!
I'm not able to set a reconnection procedure. I use this router: Max Box WiFi Linkem Echolife BM635. It doesn't figure on the list of supported router. So, I followed the manual procedure, but it doesn't create any script. It remains on registration state - saving reconnection method.
It's very strange, because months ago I made the same steps for another router (and provider), and it succeded. I can't explain the reason it doesn't work with this one. IP is dynamic. Router reboot procedure is correct. But it doesn't create any script... I waited hours, but nothing happened.
How can I do? Please, help me.

My JDownloader version is 0.9.581.

Oh.. Is this the right section for my request? I hope it is..

Last edited by JamesVanBlack; 06.03.2011 at 16:51.
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Old 07.03.2011, 14:21
Posts: n/a

You are able to reconnect in your browser but jD doesn't record the steps, i.e., it doesn't save your script.

Do you always get another IP address when you reconnect in your router's web page?

If it takes long to get another IP address, you might need to increase some parameters in the Advanced settings of the Reconnection panel.
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