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Old 13.08.2011, 10:20
Posts: n/a
Default Linksys WAG320N 1.00.12 reconnection script

I have been trying to create/reuse(Linksys WAG320N ITA V1.00.08 AnnexA) a reconnection script for the Linksys WAG320N but after some time always failed. I realized that the problem was the SID, so I created this other script:

            GET / HTTP/1.1
            Host: %%%routerip%%%
            Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

            GET /setup.cgi?next_file=Setup.htm HTTP/1.1
            Host: %%%routerip%%%
            Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

            GET /setup.cgi?next_file=Status.htm HTTP/1.1
            Host: %%%routerip%%%
            Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

            POST /setup.cgi HTTP/1.1
            Host: %%%routerip%%%
            Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%


    [[[STEP]]][[[WAIT seconds="10"/]]][[[/STEP]]]

            GET /setup.cgi?next_file=Status.htm HTTP/1.1
            Host: %%%routerip%%%
            Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%
            GET /setup.cgi?next_file=Status.htm HTTP/1.1
            Host: %%%routerip%%%
            Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

            POST /setup.cgi HTTP/1.1
            Host: %%%routerip%%%
            Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%


            GET /setup.cgi?next_file=Status.htm HTTP/1.1
            Host: %%%routerip%%%
            Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%

I run it and it worked at fist time
Still checking if it really works but I have a good feeling.
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