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Old 22.03.2013, 02:22
Posts: n/a
Unhappy CRC Check fails on all downloads

I have a Mac and a PC connected to my modem with a 30Mbps connection and an Uploaded.net account, and for some weeks now EVERYTHING I download is corrupted; videos have some heavy datamoshing and all .rar/.zips are corrupted at extraction. This happens not only with my account, but with regular downloads from other servers and on both computers. Using the Macbook on other networks worked fine.
I know my ISP has something to do with it, but I don't know what it could be, they've changed my modem and tried using a fixed IP for a while but the problem persists...!

I'm really frustrated by this, hope someone could give me some advice... I know this problem goes beyond Jdownloader, but as it is my main method of downloading thought I'd give it a try.

Thanks a lot!
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Old 22.03.2013, 02:37
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Please, read this: http://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=43430
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Old 22.03.2013, 02:39
Posts: n/a

Yes, I've read that and all of them are covered, CRC errores started at the same time on both computers, and JDownloader works on other networks. I don't have any package loss...
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