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Old 14.04.2023, 07:38
richard-hambel richard-hambel is offline
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Default Symantec/Norton keep removing JDownloader installer


Some background: JDownloader 2 used to work perfectly fine for a while. Then Symantic's auto-protect kept deleting it. Even when I disabled auto-protect, it would just turn back on automatically and delete it. There was no apparent solution to this problem. It would turn itself back on no matter what and it would always delete JDownloader 2.

I am trying to download the installer but now Windows keeps removing it without any explanation. Before, it would tell me why or how. For example, it would tell me if it was auto-protect that deleted it. Now I don't even know what is doing it. I have auto-protect turned off, but I don't know because it used to just turn back on automatically. As soon as the installer finishes downloading, it says "Removed" and I cannot open it.

-It doesn't give any explanation
-Symantic Firewall is disabled
-Symantic Auto-protect is disabled

What can I do? I greatly appreciate any help!

I am trying to download the latest Windows version (47576)
I am using Windows 10

If you need any more information from me, please let me know.
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Old 14.04.2023, 09:50
notice notice is offline
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@richard-hambel: The launcher seems to be auto deleted due to false positive detection, see

Please try to get hands on the deleted JDownloader exe file and report it, see
and report "Clean software incorrectly detected" and upload the JDownloader exe file.

As an alternative, maybe there is a way to add JDownloader(folder) to sort of exclude/whitelist?
In doubt also please contact Symantec support about this.
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