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Old 30.03.2009, 02:46
Posts: n/a
Default Problem with first update


I am using JDownloader 0.4.936 over ubuntu8.10 with java sun 1.60:

$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_10"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-b33)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.0-b15, mixed mode, sharing)
When I start JD in first time it suggest to me that it needs to be updated. 'JD Update' window is open, but it hangs up in update operation. This is the udpate log mesage it shows me:

Update JDownloader  at /home/mgarcia/jDownloader



Starting...Parameter 0 /restart 
Parameter 1 /rt2 
Current Date:Mon Mar 30 01:43:16 CEST 2009

2009-03-30 01:43:16:Update Downloadmirrors
2009-03-30 01:43:17:Updateserver: http://update3.jdownloader.org/nupd/ (-1%)
2009-03-30 01:43:17:Updateserver: http://update2.jdownloader.org/bin/ (-1%)
2009-03-30 01:43:17:Updateserver: http://update1.jdownloader.org/bin/ (-1%)
2009-03-30 01:43:17:OS Filter: /tools/windows/unrarw32/unrar.exe
2009-03-30 01:43:17:OS Filter: /tools/windows/unrarw32/cygwin1.dll
2009-03-30 01:43:17:OS Filter: /tools/mac/unrar
2009-03-30 01:43:17:UPDATE AV. /plugins/JDHJMerge.jar
2009-03-30 01:43:17:UPDATE AV. /jd/languages/Serbian(latin).lng
2009-03-30 01:43:17:UPDATE AV. /JDownloader.jar
2009-03-30 01:43:17:UPDATE AV. /outdated.dat
2009-03-30 01:43:17:UPDATE AV. /plugins/JDUnrar.jar
2009-03-30 01:43:17:UPDATE AV. /jd/languages/Serbian.lng
2009-03-30 01:43:17:UPDATE AV. /jd/languages/Russian.lng
2009-03-30 01:43:17:Update file: /plugins/JDHJMerge.jar
2009-03-30 01:43:18:Downloadsource: http://update3.jdownloader.org/nupd/plugins/JDHJMerge.jar?r=1238370197974

2009-03-30 01:43:18:Successfull

2009-03-30 01:43:18:Update file: /jd/languages/Serbian(latin).lng
2009-03-30 01:43:19:Downloadsource: http://update2.jdownloader.org/bin/jd/languages/Serbian(latin).lng?r=1238370198504

2009-03-30 01:43:19:Successfull

2009-03-30 01:43:19:Update file: /JDownloader.jar
2009-03-30 01:43:23:Downloadsource: http://update1.jdownloader.org/bin/JDownloader.jar?r=1238370199198

2009-03-30 01:43:23:Successfull

2009-03-30 01:43:23:Update file: /outdated.dat
2009-03-30 01:43:23:Downloadsource: http://update1.jdownloader.org/bin/outdated.dat?r=1238370203044

2009-03-30 01:43:23:Successfull

2009-03-30 01:43:23:Update file: /plugins/JDUnrar.jar
2009-03-30 01:43:23:Downloadsource: http://update1.jdownloader.org/bin/plugins/JDUnrar.jar?r=1238370203263

2009-03-30 01:43:23:Successfull

2009-03-30 01:43:23:Update file: /jd/languages/Serbian.lng
2009-03-30 01:43:24:Downloadsource: http://update1.jdownloader.org/bin/jd/languages/Serbian.lng?r=1238370203818

2009-03-30 01:43:24:Successfull

2009-03-30 01:43:24:Update file: /jd/languages/Russian.lng
2009-03-30 01:43:25:Downloadsource: http://update1.jdownloader.org/bin/jd/languages/Russian.lng?r=1238370204560

2009-03-30 01:43:25:Successfull

Local: /home/mgarcia/jDownloaderStart java -jar -Xmx512m JDownloader.jar in /home/mgarcia/jDownloaderERORR null
The las log message has an "ERORR null" log.

If I close that window, JD does not save my current config, so if I close JD and I open it later, all configuration is lost.

Does someone know what it happens?

Thx a lot!
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