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Old 15.03.2009, 16:23
Posts: n/a
Default Download Error.!

When I start to download from Rapidshare, I get this message:
ErrorMessage: Unexpected rangeheader format:null
All the time!

it starts to download.. (few MB) and than this error appears.

What can I do?
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Old 15.03.2009, 20:43
Posts: n/a

Try to download only with one chunk but multiple files at same time. Or are you a free user?

(Please post a log when error occurs (In JD press F4 button and -> upload)
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Old 15.03.2009, 23:29
Posts: n/a

*I'm Premium user.
* I tried it.

Here is the log:

15/03/2009 23:26:16 - SEVERE [jd.utils.JDUtilities$4(write)] -> Run in C:\Documents and Settings\**\Desktop\jDownloader_0.2.596_multios\jDownloader\ICE_JNIRegistry.dll
15/03/2009 23:26:19 - SEVERE [jd.Main$1(run)] -> Param: -Xmx512m
15/03/2009 23:26:55 - WARNING [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(setResume)] -> Resumepoint not valid
15/03/2009 23:27:06 - WARNING [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(setResume)] -> Resumepoint not valid
15/03/2009 23:27:20 - WARNING [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(setResume)] -> Resumepoint not valid
15/03/2009 23:27:21 - WARNING [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(setResume)] -> Resumepoint not valid
15/03/2009 23:27:21 - WARNING [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(setResume)] -> Resumepoint not valid
15/03/2009 23:27:21 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
15/03/2009 23:27:21 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(terminate)] -> A critical Downloaderror occured. Terminate...
15/03/2009 23:27:21 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface$Chunk(run0)] -> ERROR Chunk (range header parse error)1null: null
15/03/2009 23:27:21 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_LOCAL_IO
15/03/2009 23:27:21 - WARNING [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface$Chunk(download)] -> incomplete download: bytes loaded: 1460/49999999
15/03/2009 23:27:21 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
15/03/2009 23:27:21 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface$Chunk(run0)] -> ABBORTED BY USER
15/03/2009 23:27:22 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(handleErrors)] -> DOWNLOAD INCOMPLETE DUE TO FILESIZECHECK
15/03/2009 23:27:22 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_DOWNLOAD_INCOMPLETE
15/03/2009 23:27:22 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(handleErrors)] -> DOWNLOAD INCOMPLETE DUE TO FILESIZECHECK
15/03/2009 23:27:22 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_DOWNLOAD_INCOMPLETE
15/03/2009 23:27:22 - SEVERE [jd.controlling.SingleDownloadController(handlePlugin)] ->
Error occured- latest:ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
00000000000001000100000000000001 <Statuscode
00000000000000000100000000000000 |ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
00000000000001000000000000000000 |PLUGIN_IN_PROGRESS
00000000000000000000000000000001 |TODO
00000000000000000000000000000001 |VALUE_ID_PREMIUM_DISABLE
ErrorMessage: Unexpected rangeheader format:null

15/03/2009 23:27:23 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
15/03/2009 23:27:23 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(terminate)] -> A critical Downloaderror occured. Terminate...
15/03/2009 23:27:23 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface$Chunk(run0)] -> ERROR Chunk (range header parse error)1null: null
15/03/2009 23:27:23 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_LOCAL_IO
15/03/2009 23:27:23 - WARNING [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface$Chunk(download)] -> incomplete download: bytes loaded: 17432/49999999
15/03/2009 23:27:23 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
15/03/2009 23:27:23 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface$Chunk(run0)] -> ABBORTED BY USER
15/03/2009 23:27:23 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(handleErrors)] -> DOWNLOAD INCOMPLETE DUE TO FILESIZECHECK
15/03/2009 23:27:23 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_DOWNLOAD_INCOMPLETE
15/03/2009 23:27:23 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(handleErrors)] -> DOWNLOAD INCOMPLETE DUE TO FILESIZECHECK
15/03/2009 23:27:23 - SEVERE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_DOWNLOAD_INCOMPLETE
15/03/2009 23:27:23 - SEVERE [jd.controlling.SingleDownloadController(handlePlugin)] ->
Error occured- latest:ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
00000000000001000100000000000001 <Statuscode
00000000000000000100000000000000 |ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
00000000000001000000000000000000 |PLUGIN_IN_PROGRESS
00000000000000000000000000000001 |TODO
00000000000000000000000000000001 |VALUE_ID_PREMIUM_DISABLE
ErrorMessage: Unexpected rangeheader format:null

15/03/2009 23:27:28 - WARNING [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(setResume)] -> Resumepoint not valid
15/03/2009 23:27:30 - WARNING [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(setResume)] -> Resumepoint not valid

Last edited by Dman; 15.03.2009 at 23:32.
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Old 20.03.2009, 01:31
pspzockerscene's Avatar
pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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Do you still have this problem ?
Pls answer if it is still there!
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Old 02.05.2009, 16:29
rver01 rver01 is offline
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Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 18

I have the same problem with a file on Gigasize. I have already tried three to four time to download it with always the same error at 99% of the download:

02-mai-2009 15:09:52 - ATTENTION [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface$Chunk(run0)] -> Possible RangeConflict or Servermisconfiguration. wished endByte: 923249663 got: 1846499328
02-mai-2009 15:09:52 - GRAVE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
02-mai-2009 15:09:52 - GRAVE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(terminate)] -> A critical Downloaderror occured. Terminate...
02-mai-2009 15:09:52 - GRAVE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface$Chunk(run0)] -> ERROR Chunk (range header parse error)1null: null
02-mai-2009 15:09:52 - GRAVE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_LOCAL_IO
02-mai-2009 15:09:52 - ATTENTION [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface$Chunk(download)] -> incomplete download: bytes loaded: 848029792/923249663
02-mai-2009 15:09:52 - GRAVE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
02-mai-2009 15:09:52 - GRAVE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface$Chunk(run0)] -> ABBORTED BY USER
02-mai-2009 15:09:52 - GRAVE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(handleErrors)] -> DOWNLOAD INCOMPLETE DUE TO FILESIZECHECK
02-mai-2009 15:09:52 - GRAVE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_DOWNLOAD_INCOMPLETE
02-mai-2009 15:09:52 - GRAVE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(handleErrors)] -> DOWNLOAD INCOMPLETE DUE TO FILESIZECHECK
02-mai-2009 15:09:52 - GRAVE [jd.plugins.download.DownloadInterface(error)] -> Error occured: ERROR_DOWNLOAD_INCOMPLETE
02-mai-2009 15:09:52 - GRAVE [jd.controlling.SingleDownloadController(handlePlugin)] ->
Error occured- latest:ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
00000000000001000100000000000001 <Statuscode
00000000000000000100000000000000 |ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
00000000000001000000000000000000 |PLUGIN_IN_PROGRESS
00000000000000000000000000000001 |TODO
00000000000000000000000000000001 |VALUE_ID_PREMIUM_DISABLE
ErrorMessage: Unexpected rangeheader format:null

I have had no problem with other files downloaded today on Gigasize.
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Old 02.05.2009, 18:28
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pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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Pls give us the link that didn't work!
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