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Old 14.05.2018, 01:27
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Default JDownloader opening multiple (unwanted) instances with DLC files


I've used DLC files with JDownloader 2 for a long time, but sometime within the last few weeks there seems to have been a bug introduced.

I'm not exactly sure how to reproduce it 100% consistently, but if I have JDownloader open, and open a few .DLC files in quick succession often JDownloader will open a 2nd (and sometimes 3rd / 4th) instance of JDownloader messing up the linkgrabber queue and corrupting downloads.

Any idea what might be causing this? Thanks
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Old 14.05.2018, 17:48
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Please check firewall/av. JDownloader communicates to existing instance to forward the *open DLC file* request. In case this forward fails, then JDownloader will open up a new instance.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
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Old 16.05.2018, 01:28
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Thanks for your reply. Out of interest I tested it in a clean VM on the latest version of Windows 10 with the firewall and AV disabled and it still happened. Still haven't been able to find a consistent way to reproduce, but it happens quite often.

Is there any way to tell JDownloader to never under any circumstance open a 2nd instance? I'd rather the DLC fail to open than it open a 2nd instance and potentially corrupt my queue.

Last edited by markus123; 16.05.2018 at 01:33.
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Old 16.05.2018, 09:48
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You can also open DLC via rightclick and copy file as JDownloader monitors clipboard and will be able to see the file there.

I need a way to reproduce the issue in order to check/fix it as I can't reproduce it myself.
There is no way to avoid opening another instance as there is no difference between starting JDownloader again and it finding an already running instance or opening a DLC file and also finding the running instance. When there is no running instance found, then JDownloader will start normally. So it's important to find out why this fails for you and how to reproduce the issue
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Old 16.05.2018, 14:36
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to me this could be an os/system issue
if your system is taxed and or lagged this can happen.
a) you open dlc or multiple dlcs
b) application is pending to open
c) operating system then starts many instances vs waiting for the first to open.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer

Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :]
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Old 17.05.2018, 01:47
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Thanks for the replies, I still haven't found a way to reproduce it consistently but I'll mess around this weekend and hopefully be able to find out something useful.

Just wanted to make sure I was clear about one thing though, this happens when an instance of JDownloader is already running/established not pending. I could understand it being a system issue if no instance of JDownloader was running, you open 2 DLCs and then the OS spawns two instances asynchronously, but that's not what I meant is happening.

The scenario I mean is one instance is running/established (and has been for several minutes/hours), then you open multiple DLCs, and end up with 2, 3, 4... instances. It's only recently start doing this too, I've used this dlc setup for years and never had an issue until last month.
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Old 17.05.2018, 11:32
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Do you open them slow (one by one) or faster?
Does the instance handling work at all? What happens when you start JDownloader.jar or .exe when a JDownloader instance is already running?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
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Old 17.05.2018, 15:53
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Usually about 10 seconds between opening each .dlc file.

Yeah, when not opening .dlc files the instance handling is fine, I can spam the jdownloader .jar / .exe hundreds of times and it keeps a single instance.
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Old 17.05.2018, 16:03
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Would it be possible to do Teamviewer together? Contact us via support@jdownloader.org
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