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Old 20.05.2018, 13:07
dabrown dabrown is offline
Black Hole
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: North America
Posts: 281
Default How to make linkgrabber not second guess my package selection?

Here's the scenario:

I have linkgrabber set up to put single links in a "various Files" package, and anything else (mirrors, split archives) get their own package. Pretty straight forward.

However, I often add files with dissimilar names and manually place these into their own package, then rename the files to force them to be mirrors. Example: file1.rar is added with 2 hosts, and it creates a package called file1. Then a add abc.rar from one host, which lands in the Various package. I move it into file1, then rename all 3 files "ABC File 1.rar".

So far so good.

But later on, I find another host with the same file, called abc.rar. I add that. Where does it go? It creates a whole new package called abc, which now contains the files "ABC File1.rar" and one abc.rar, having yanked the file out of the package I had just manually put the file in.

This makes no sense. I had intentionally moved the file to a specific package. Now, it'd be nice if the 2nd abc.rar joined it's sibling in that package, but I'd be OK with it landing in "Various Files". If the sibling file had still been in the Various Files package then I'm OK with the new package being created, as I hadn't moved it.
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