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Old 08.09.2023, 18:22
KCOU KCOU is offline
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Default Inmense slowdown when having ~10k files on links or downloaded files.

Well I don't know if its a bug.
I started downloading some courses YT channels during the pandemic to watch offline.
In the past months I've noticed how every jdownloader2 interaction was getting slower: Menus, right click, grabbing, whatever. No menus poping after 20-30 seconds. Unmmanageable.

I checked and it seems related to some files being constantly written on the hard drive (some zip files) in a rotation manner. I presume its the "database".

I red this topic:

and I changed the DownloadController.delays to the suggested values. No luck.

I've got rather strong CPU (5950x) and the program becomes unamanageable. My workaround has been to start downloading with a fresh copy of jdownloader.
It was a good way to track the deleted videos and avoid "redonwloads".

1) Is there a real solution for big datafile archives in jdownloader? Some adjustments or move that file rotation to RAM or RAMdisk via setting an specific folder for those files?

2) Could you add an option in the Files --> Analyze text with links to reduce the linkgrabbing to the last X days. In a new box "restrict files from the past "XXXX" days when possible.

BTW the CPU usage in those cases peaks the cpu in a way I discovered its one of the best initial stability tests for per core overclocking in AMD cpus.
I fed my jdownloader with a big new link from YT or IG and boom you have a crash in seconds if the core has a wrong max cpu frequency :D
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Old 11.09.2023, 13:37
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pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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Before guessing what the problem might be you should first find the root of it.
The following support article should help you to find out, what's causing the problem:

-> Please post a screenshot of: Help -> About JDownloader
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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
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Do you have Nero installed?
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