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Old 06.02.2024, 07:44
derillianstone derillianstone is offline
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Default Packagizer help - modifying/replacing specific strings in an incoming filename?

I've been bashing my head against the Packagizer function in JDownloader 2 and I don't think I fully understand how it works.

Let's say I go to some arbitrary website and the filename that JDownloader "sees" and puts into my LinkGrabber looks like:

#String1 !String2 $String3 &String4 @String5.ext
Where there's some arbitrary sets of strings, usually preceded by a symbol like ! or @ or #.

Let's say I don't want "#String1" in my final filename, or I want to replace "$String3" with something else because it's misspelled or something.

I'm used to being able to code scripts like:
String.Replace("#String1", "");
String.Replace("$String3", "$ReplacementString3");
but it doesn't appear that I can do these in Packagizer. I'd like to be able to do something like this so I don't have to run separate scripts in my directories afterwards.

I've looked at the existing Packagizer examples in the forum, but most of those posts have screenshots that are no longer hosted or the examples are usually about appending, not remove/replace.

Could someone help me out with the Packagizer equivalents of what I'm trying to do above? Thanks!

Last edited by derillianstone; 06.02.2024 at 07:44. Reason: edit
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Old 06.02.2024, 12:32
pspzockerscene's Avatar
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the Packagizer can't do replaces in that classic way.
What it can do is something like "take everything after #String1 and use that as a new filename" or also you can use regular expressions to extract multiple pieces of the given filename and create a new filename out of them.
In some cases that enables you to do the same things that a replace would do, in others not.

Please check our Packagizer docs and examples:

You will find more examples in our forums.
Here is one example which shows how to extract the domain of the source-URL using regular expressions and put it into the final filename:

If you are planning to do more complex stuff like advanced replaces, you will need to use an EventScripter script:
EventScripter forum thread:
EventScripter help article:
--> That is way more complicated but on the plus side this would enable you to use replace functions in the way you probably know them.
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