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Old 26.09.2024, 21:23
Noodler128 Noodler128 is offline
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Question Why is "Open in browser" limited to 49 selected items? Grays out when 50+ selected

Seems a bit arbitrary, I could understand a warning that it could take some time to do if an excessive number of items are selected when choosing the option but a hard limit?

Reminds me of modern Windows preventing you from opening more than around 50 files at a time if they're associated with a standard program like MSPaint or a web browser or something (issue doesn't apply if files are associated with an "App" like those you can get from the Microsoft Store), old Windows would just warn you that such an action would be potentially slow... thankfully there is a registry key you can tweak that governs this threshold and you can increase it to 1,000 to effectively eliminate the issue. If you've never run in to this in Windows, count yourself lucky... all methods of trying to open such a large number of image files will instead set them as a wallpaper because the "Open" option is removed and "Set as Wallpaper" is the next command in the list (and is performed without confirmation).

Edit: That probably read like passive aggressiveness, that wasn't my intent, just providing an example of similar situation.

Last edited by Noodler128; 26.09.2024 at 22:56.
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Old 27.09.2024, 12:55
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@Noodler128: You can customize the limit via rightclick -> menu editor-> look out for the *open in browser* action and then you can customize the limit/threshold.
The threshold has been introduced because user accidentally had huge package in selection and then *fight....you close tabs, JDownloader opens them right away*
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Old 27.09.2024, 18:23
Noodler128 Noodler128 is offline
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Ooh cool, I'd never looked at that UI before. I can also reduce the delay between each URL opening to expedite it (defaults to 1 second, I've reduced it to 250ms).
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Old 29.09.2024, 01:05
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@Noodler128: You're welcome
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