Same problem here, Thumb and Description fine, video missing. Thanks and hoping for a solution, Bye.-
please create a debug log! Enable Settings->Advanced Settings->Log.debugmodeenabled restart JDownloader and reproduce the issue and create log, see https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...d-session-logs and post logID here
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Thanks for the feedback!
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Just found out JD2 cannot grab YT video subtitles files (.srt) properly anymore.
For example, this video on YT where "v=POgzcsnG_o0" **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** There are two CC streams, one English (hand coded) and one "Auto Translate". When the link is loaded in JD2 only the following links are grabbed: m4a (audio grab from video) mp4 (actual video file) jpg (thumbnail file) txt (video description) But there's NO .srt file whatsoever. Can someone please investigate? Previously hand-coded SRTs can be downloaded with no issue, but not anymore. For the aforementioned video I had to use an external web resource to regenerate the proper SRT file. Very inconvenient so to speak... Can someone please investigate and issue a fix? |
@anon743: wait for next update
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
I wanted to let your staff know that I have been having problems using JDownloader to download a video on YouTube. From reading the comments on this thread, I guess YouTube is making some changes to its site and this may be affecting JDownloader's performance. Hopefully, you are aware of this issue and will try to fix it in a future update. The video I tried to download can be found at: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** I have a debug log for your review: 10.12.20 02.20.57 <--> 10.12.20 02.25.13 jdlog://7281525302851/ Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for the great work you all do. Al |
JD-Dev & Server-Admin Last edited by Jiaz; 10.12.2020 at 10:34. |
Hello, I'm also having YT videos for 100 limit, can't grab more than 100 videos for YT channels. Just wanted to you know. Waiting for fix.
Saludos cordiales, y muchas gracias por adelantado, por cualquier ayuda.
El problema consiste en que el Jdownloader, al momento de ańadir Link, el programa descarta los archivos de Video, es decir ni MP4, NI MKV, ni ninguna variante. Solo muestran los demás archivos, subtítulos, musica, foto, pero nada de video. Y esto sucedió luego de que el programa se actualizara. En las configuraciones de youtube, están habilitados todos esos los archivos multimedia, y aún así no agarra videos. Alguna solución por favor, estoy desesperado. Gracias. |
Previously links from YT were grouped under single package (videoname) - video - audio - subtitles - etc Now for some reason once I copy link I have bunch of packages like: (1080p 30fps H264-128kbit AAC) (128kbit AAC) (BQ) How to get previous behavior? I really don't remember visiting settings and changing some sort of group rules. Brief search showed that there is "Group single files in Various package". But this is not it. |
@Osakawa: see https://board.jdownloader.org/showpo...postcount=3980
We're working on it
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Please make sure your JDownloader is updated. Looks like titles/names are missing?
Check about dialog of JDownloader, it should show Dec 11 2020 date. In case you still encounter this issue, please provide example links
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Merged YT threads.
@alik Please post a log. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Did youtube change something last few days? JD would only pick up subtitles but not the videos from some but not others. Latest version, tried restart, no avail.
Sample of videos not picked up, but subtitle will: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
@mz168: Please make sure your JDownloader is up2date and create a debug log. Enable Settings->Advanced Settings->Log.debugmodeenabled and restart JDownloader. Add the link again and create log, see https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...d-session-logs and post shown logID here
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
![]() Quote:
@mz168: You have disabled Settings->Advanced Settings->Youtube.externmultimediatoolusageenabled (must be enabled)
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Various video quality-related issues, details below.
I've noticed this over the past few days, however am bring it up today. First, when I grab certain videos (no commonality so far), it's not grabbing the quality variant I choose in my settings (this is a new issue - haven't had any issues like this, ever that I recall). Example: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** This video has various quality options (1080p, 720p, etc), however the size reporting says "Unknown", and the FPS is 24fps? Not even 30. I ask JD2 to grab 60 at max, but it's only grabbing a 24? **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** This video grabs just fine: grabs the 720p and 60fps variant - which is what I want. **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** This video, it also grabs a 24FPS variant. Size reporting is also "Unknown". Now granted, I can't verify if the 1st and 3rd linked videos actually have 30 or 60fps variants, but I'm pretty sure they do - those channels typically produce 30 & 60fps variants. If it's the channel/video, then fine - YT will sort itself out. But I feel JD2 just isn't grabbing other quality variants on some videos, and is grabbing lower quality options. Log: 15.12.20 12.01.19 <--> 15.12.20 12.10.12 jdlog://8473525302851/ |
@enjikari: please verify/check in browser first, check "stats for nerds" via rightclick
1.) not available in 30/60fps, video is 24 2.) available in 60p 3.) grabs 30fps just fine To reduce requests/faster crawling speed only the known filesizes are shown. "Unknown" is shown when the filesize isn't known before the actual download.You can enable it via Settings->Advanced Settings->Youtube.doextendedaudiobitratelookupenabled
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
![]() Quote:
Changed that setting, and: 1 - yup, stats only shows a 24fps version 2 - no issue, still 3 - NOW it grabbed a 30FPS version (shrug) I swear that last vid only grabbed a 24FPS ver, but all is good now. Thanks for the ridiculously quick response and help. If only the rest of the corpo world had your service skills and heart! |
Enabled and an Audio-Only .OGG filetype appeared instead of .MP4. There are no options inside variants either.
@enjikari: you're welcome. you can use this *stats for nerds* if you want to check by yourself
![]() In case you need further help/got questions, just ask @mz168: you've got to restart JDownloader after enabling this option, also check that Youtube.segmentloadingenabled is also enabled!
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
ich möchte für einen Freund, der in Lettland wohnt und nicht viel schnelles Internet hat (UMTS mit Drosselung nach wenigen GB), Videos von YouTube mehrerer YouTube-Channels, Playlists und User-Lists möglichst komplett runterladen, und ihm dann ein "Daten-Paket" fertig machen. Ich habe mich schon intensiver in den Einstell-Möglichkeiten des YouTube-Plugins umgesehen, aber keine entsprechende Möglichkeit gefunden das Problem zu fixen. Mein Problem: Der Linksammler limitiert die maximal gefundene Anzahl von Packages (YouTube-Videos) auf 99 oder 100. Auch dann, wenn ein YouTube-Kanal oder -Userlist offensichtlich mehr als 100 Videos hat. Zudem variiert das vom Linksammler gefundene Material offensichtlich von Linksammelvorgang zu Linksammelvorgang. Bin ich einfach nur zu dumm, um eine eventuell bereits vorhandene Einstellung zu entdecken? ![]() Liebe Grüße aus Nauheim |
Die Pagination ist derzeit defekt und daher können nur die ersten 100 Items einer Liste *gesehen* werden.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Mögliche Workarounds: - Videos, die nach den ersten 100 Einträgen kommen in andere eigene Playliste(n) (= öffentlich oder ungelistet!) einfügen und diese Playliste(n) in JD einfügen - Videos manuell einzeln in JD einfügen Grüße, psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Hello, do you have news about the 100 limit playlist download on Youtube?
Best regards |
@Nokturne: I'm on it but currently not much time for it, but I hope to fix it this/next week
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
I may be wrong, but before the update things worked differently. At the moment, *USERNAME* and *CHANNELNAME* both return the same thing. ![]() Before the update: *USERNAME* -> BlenderCoders *CHANNELNAME* -> Blender Developers After the update: *USERNAME* -> Blender Developers *CHANNELNAME* -> Blender Developers Thanks for your time. Last edited by Cris486; 19.12.2020 at 17:14. |
ich muss vorweg sagen, dass ich bezüglich des JDownloaders keine Ahnung habe. Ich bin vom Download Helper-Plugin von Firefox über den 4K Video Downloader, die nach und nach auf Youtube nicht mehr funktionierten, schließlich beim JDownloader gelandet. Diesen nutze ich seit über einem Jahr erfolgreich, aber eben nur als DummUser. Mein Problem: Seit einiger Zeit beobachte ich, dass immer häufiger Links nicht mehr automatisch durch Ctrl/C aus dem Firefoc-Plugin übernommen werden. Wenn ich den Link manuell in den Linksammler einfüge, werden die Dateien als Offline-Dateien angezeigt und ich kann sie nicht herunter laden. Speziell ist mir aufgefallen, dass dies bei allen Dateien von Youtube der Fall ist, die mit Altersbeschränkung gekennzeichnet sind. Ich bin bei Youtube angemeldet und kann mir dort die Clips auch ansehen. Mal abgesehen davon, dass es auf Youtube nach europäischen Maßstäben gar keine jugendgefährdenden Inhalte gibt, derartiges wird von Google/Youtube sofort gelöscht, habe ich auch vor kurzem meinen Perso hinterlegt um diese sehen zu können. Ich benutze JDownloader 2 mit den aktuellen Updates auf Windows 10. Beispiellink: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Fehlermeldung: „Error - 9j3t2Rjn2Kw Sign in to confirm your age“ Ich hoffe mir kann jemand helfen - danke. |
for some reason, I can not download an entire youtube channel that has around 425+ videos it will stop at 399 using link grabber.
Last edited by Evox; 20.12.2020 at 17:32. |
Most likely the playlist contains dupes (are not added multiple times). If you want we can check but we need link
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Merged YT threads
@TomBerlin YT hat die Altersverifikation letztens "strenger gemacht". Ohne Google Account kann man solche Videos nicht mehr schauen - das gilt natürlich auch für JD. Um solche Videos also laden zu können musst du deinen YT Account in JD eintragen unter Einstellungen -->Accountverwaltung Danach einfach deinen Link erneut in JD einfügen und der Inhalt sollte ladbar sein. Grüße, psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
I'm experiencing the same issue as Evox. Add just about any YouTube playlist above 200 videos and the linkgrabber will just stop adding videos and close thinking it's done when it isn't. It's at a different point for each playlist but always the same if you retry. All other YouTube downloaders can do it, so I know it's not an API change blocking it or anything like that (thankfully). I'm using the latest version on Windows. Since I use this to archive channels and since it's currently the only downloader out there that cannot do that (this issue is 100 percent reproducible for channels and playlists above a few hundred videos in size, sometimes less than 200), it's pretty disappointing. Looking forward to a fix, since Jdownloader is by far the best way to download YouTube for my use case. Thank you for all your hard work!
Last edited by jeffr; 22.12.2020 at 08:39. |
@jeffr: currently pagination is broken and JDownloader cannot see the other *pages*. We're working on it
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
![]() Quote:
-------------------------------------------- Anyway, a question to any JD dev here, what about this 100+ YT links issue, I really need to download files... : | Files are being taken down so quickly... |
Awesome! Good to know. Take your time over the holidays, there's no rush, I just wanted to be sure that the devs were aware of the issue since I could only find one other example of someone reporting this.
@jeffr: I hope to be able to fix it as a xmas present
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
look forward to when it get fixed thanks
Hello admin, so I've been trying to download all youtube videos from a channel and the linkgrabber caps it at 100 videos max.
Will you fix it in the next update? thank you. |
@ZethroForth: yes, we are working on that but xmas/new year = more time with family
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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