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Old 02.11.2024, 02:43
mwald mwald is offline
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Posts: 19
Default Rapidgator Slow Download and Network Error Timeouts

Starting this week, my Rapidgator account using JDownloader is behaving poorly. I can typically download 2-5 files simultaneously at 1.5-5.5 mbps minimum. I generally download 3 at a time. Now I am at 150-300 kbps, even with just one file at a time. In addition, I will get an interruption in the download stating "Network Error" with a timer to restart. CRC checks were taking 15 minutes to complete for files that would typically be done in 30 seconds. I've disabled CRC checking for the first time ever. I've tried changing the max chunks per download with no effect.
Downloading the same files via browser (Chrome and Edge) works at the normally fast speed even with multiple downloads, so this seems to be only within JDownloader. All other hosters (e.g. Keep2Share) are behaving normally for me within JDownloader.
I've done an extended ping test to Rapidgator.net with no time-outs. No VPN in use.
I found some descriptions of similar behavior for Rapidgator from the JDownloader Boards from back in 2017, but could find no resolution, even though they were remarked as resolved.
Any suggestions?
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Old 02.11.2024, 02:56
mwald mwald is offline
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Posts: 19

Additional note. If downloading is not performed for a period of time, say over an hour, the file download initiates at 3-5 mbps, but quickly falls off that in less than 30 seconds, dropping to 800 kbps and then gradually going down to 150-300 kbps until eventually it stops with a "Connection Problem" message and a timer to reinitiate.
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Old 04.11.2024, 10:32
pspzockerscene's Avatar
pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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please first work all the way(!) through the following slow speed troubleshooting:

Can you reproduce the slow CRC check problem reliably?

Please post your log-ID here
If your report is about a specific website which JD supports via plugin, please also provide example URLs which can be used to reproduce the issue you are having.
If your report is related to a login specific problem with a plugin supported website, enable debug mode before creating logs, see previously linked instructions.

Bitte poste deine Log-ID hier.
Falls dein Problem ein Problem mit einer Webseite ist, die per Plugin unterstützt wird, stelle bitte zusätzlich Testlinks zur Verfügung, mit denen sich dein Problem nachstellen lässt.
Geht es um einen nicht funktionierenden Account-Login, aktiviere vor dem Erstellen deines Logs den debug Modus (siehe zuvor verlinkte Anleitung).

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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
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Last edited by pspzockerscene; 04.11.2024 at 10:34.
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