@TheRenegadist: download speed is slower because yt limits bandwidth to actual required bitrate * about 1.5 factor (for faster playback speed). but the download speed has nothing to do with post processing muxing. that part happens after both (video and audio) are downloaded. Please provide logs of those errors, see https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...d-session-logs and post logID here
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
If the slow speeds are a YouTube issue why hasn't it been an issue before the update? Before the update my speeds were just fine, only after does the download drop to 30kb/s when downloading the audio portion.
The error just happened again, log here: 21.03.22 16.00.31 <--> 21.03.22 16.35.43 jdlog://6817925302851/ Last edited by TheRenegadist; 22.03.2022 at 01:36. |
@TheRenegadist: there has been zero changes to yt since long time.
It heavily depends on the stream format that you are downloading (HLS, MPD, progressive mp4 or DASH) and also from the chosen resolution/quality. As explained, yt limits bandwidth to about factor 1.5x to actual required bitrate (on some streaming formats). You can increase speed by using more chunks/connections but this can also result in download issues if overused/stressed. Also yt maybe just started to roll out changes to the throttling again. The issue you encounter is because ffmpeg reports errors in stream Quote:
a.) you may have hardware issues (eg memory with memtest86 or disk with smartdata check) b.) the server you are downloading from may have a damaged file (doesn't matter for browser playback but ffmpeg will complain)
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Does this cookie method (https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...n-instructions) work meanwhile for all age restricted videos?
For such age restricted videos like this one as well? **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** "Error - uUVd9j543s8 Sign in to confirm your age". I don't have a premium account for youtube, only a normal one. |
@jdjon10: it should. Have you tried to refresh the cookies like shown at the bottom of the help article?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Yes it should work.
Also, a YT premium account is not needed to view/download age restricted content! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Quick question, once the 100+ playlist limit is fixed will that also naturally fix the issue with JDownloader not grabbing more than 500 videos? You said it was a memory issue so if you rule out JDownloader grabbing unnecessary things like thumbnails and all of that would ease on memory use because you're just grabbing videos in the playlist only?
When trying to download an MKV file from YouTube, the program JDownloader 2 (JDownloader 2 has been updated)
downloads two files xxxxxx.dashVideo xxxxxx.dashAudio for example D4aH-_16aCk_MKV_VP9_720P_30FPS_AAC_128KBIT_DASH_80933ca6764450efe84e36deb1e1f345.dashVideo D4aH-_16aCk_MKV_VP9_720P_30FPS_AAC_128KBIT_DASH_80933ca6764450efe84e36deb1e1f345.dashAudio then the files xxxxxx.dashVideo and xxxxxx.dashAudio are not encoded into a single MKV file JDownloader 2 writes the plugin is outdated Please update the plugin mkv youtube! (I know that you can download in mp4 format, but sometimes you need MKV) |
@Shanishki: please provide a log, see https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...d-session-logs and post logID here. Please restart JDownloader, only download the file that causes the issue and after error, create the log.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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The memory issue I was talking about has nothing to do with JDownloader or the number of links. I was talking about possible real memory/hadware issues as the downloaded files do contain errors according to ffmpeg tool. and when a re-download of the file does help, then chances are high that it's either memory issue or other hardware (eg disk drive). That's why I asked you to check/test your hardware with mentioned tools
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Same here:
Download from Youtube is around 30 kB/s. Tested with different URLs on three different computers on two different internet providers. It has worked fine last week, but since a certain point the issue appeared. What I can do to help analyzing the issue? A second issue is that bigger files are downloaded with a smaller size and then are exceed 100%. Example: - File size ~ 250 MB (correctly detected by LinkGrabber) - When starting download the file size changes to ~8 MB - Download goes beyond 100% and file continues to download (I've seen over 800%) - Once finished the file has the correct size on HDD Last edited by 8GPMPY; 29.03.2022 at 00:43. |
@8GPMPY: there is nothing to analyze. The bandwith is limited to factor 1.5x of required bitrate. There has been no changes to plugin since months. It highly depends on a.) what streaming format is used and b.) max number of connections that are used for downloading
the filesize is estimated/calculated as the download progresses till finished
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
I just want to agree with the other posters that something has been wrong with youtube downloads ever since jdownloader started receiving all those multiple daily updates ~2 months ago (after having none for a long time).
One of two things happen nearly every time: 1) It downloads normally until around 98%, then it drops to 30k/s and takes a long time to finish and demux. 2) It downloads until 99.98%, then it gets a connection error with a 5 minute countdown. Once the five minutes pass, the file is properly received. The "1.5x of bitrate" thing makes no sense, because this was never a problem before. I also tried yt-dlp and it grabs the video+audio within four seconds, while jdownloader takes 5-10 minutes to get anything now. I believe that should rule out ffmpeg being the issue. So unless youtube is actively blocking jdownloader, I do not know. I just did a fresh install of jdownloader a couple weeks ago also, due to the Windows Defender issue. I created a log of the two videos that were downloading while I typed this. One video had the 30k/s issue and the other had the connection problem. 30.03.22 09.05.59 <--> 30.03.22 09.05.57 jdlog://8257925302851/ |
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the audio bitrate is about 128kb/s vbr which results in about 30 kb/s speed. Quote:
Thanks for the hint. I've just checked and yt-dlp uses different method to receive an unthrottled stream. Will check tomorrow
JD-Dev & Server-Admin Last edited by Jiaz; 30.03.2022 at 20:26. |
every time there's a new update JDownloader forgets what it downloaded from youtube
to the point where i've stopped updating |
@GeorgeCostanza: I'm sorry but there has been no update since 9th march and the latest update was to fix the *duplicate detection* issue. There are no further reports about problem with that since then and als I cannot reproduce any issue. Updates are not causing the problem. And no updates won't make your problem go away. So it would be better of help if you could just report the bug and explain it
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
About the downloads (my case):
- Downloads speed is ok (last 1% is slow, 30 kib/s, btw) - From december or so, the demuxing part fails. I like to download game walkthroughs in 4k. Always the same: message of "plugin outdated, restart, etc". Months ago it worked fine. |
Hello. I'm trying to download ALL videos from the YouTube channel "harryhack91" at the link:
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** But in the end, only the last 100 videos from the channel are added to the downloads. Exactly 100, what a magic number. Is there any limitation in the program? 26 videos left, do they need to be added manually? upd: Posted in the wrong section, sorry. |
@Miguel Caiceo: Please provide a log for the "plugin outdated" error,see https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...d-session-logs. Restart JDownloader, reproduce the issue , create log and post logID here
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
@K14M: no magic number, it's caused by broken pagination, a longterm issue. JDownloader doesn't *see* the next pages. work in progress
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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I have this problem for more than a month now. It was supposed to be fixed some time ago, but unfortunately it didn't work. For me this function is very important. Double loading and then double seeing (at least until you realize it) took me a lot of time since the feature was removed. |
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Tried to download a Resident Evil longplay in 4k, around 35 gb. Failed to demux. |
This has been on my mind for awhile now, considering most software that allows YouTube video download goes the way of the dinosaur I'm curious if the same will happen with this. Do you guys have a workaround that will keep this safe from a C&D from Google or will you continue to allow it even if you do get one?
I really don't want to see this go away or its YouTube support. |
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**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Last edited by Shanishki; 03.04.2022 at 13:36. |
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I really need some help by those that are affected here in order to reproduce/find the cause. I can't reproduce the issue anymore and with lack of old link entries in list, I can't work on this by myself. Either I need a copy of a downloadListXXX.zip (upload to mega and send link to support@jdownloader.org) or at least I need a single entry from that zip file that contains a YT entry in list (send to support@jdownloader.org)
JD-Dev & Server-Admin Last edited by Jiaz; 04.04.2022 at 10:41. |
@Miguel Caiceo: Thanks for the logs. It shows same stream error
@Shanishki: for you it's either special chars in package/filename or incompatibily ffmepg version, see my response https://board.jdownloader.org/showpo...14&postcount=7
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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Thanks. |
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JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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ffmpeg- MKV file from YouTube, downloading from rutube works thanks Solved |
@Shanishki: Thanks for sharing your feedback!
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Ist es möglich, wenn man in Youtube mehrere Links kopiert und einfügt, dass der Paketverwalter die Ordner Nummerriert?
Man müsste z.B. Nummerrierung ab 1 oder später ab 50 eingeben können und alle Pakete werden so nummerriert 50, 51, 52, 53 |
@zToRm777: wie genau stellst du dir den Ablauf vor? Du könntest zb jedem Link eine Nummer als Info mitgeben und dann mittels Packagizer diese in den Dateinamen packen, siehe
https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...ame-via-anchor Alternativ könntest du mittels Skripten im Eventskripter diese Schritte automatisieren
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
So siehts aus wenn ich was reinkopier: https://abload.de/image.php?img=1ljkgr.png
Bild in Audio im Ordner So soll es aussehen: https://abload.de/image.php?img=2scjqr.png Ordner haben fortlaufende Nummern. Wenn ich z.B. 50 reinkopier müsste ich später mit 51 weitermachen können. Das Problem ist: https://abload.de/image.php?img=3i6kn6.png Da tausende Audio Dateien den gleichen Namen haben, sind alle im gleichen Ordner. Und ich möchte immer das Cover passend zur Audiodatei in einem Ordner. Eventuell kann man auch doppelte Datei Namen in einem extra Ordner automatisch kopieren, denn nummerrieren kann ich es so dann auch selber. |
@zToRm777: dein drittes Bild, das sind bei gleichem Namen und Größe dennoch zwei unterschiedliche Links/Videos? oder wie? Falls es der gleiche Link ist, wie hast es geschafft den zweimal einzufügen? Ansonsten bitte mal dazu den link bzw videoID.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Ich würde das via https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...ame-via-anchor machen und einfach alle Links in eine Textdatei und dann einfach auf die schnelle durch-nummerieren
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
ja bei, 3. Bild sind verschiedene Links, aber gleicher Name
Ich probier deinen Vorschlag, meld mich dann später |
Kannst du mir vllt. paar Bilder schicken, wie ich es genau machen muss? Klappt bei mir nicht.
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Das wären die Links, dort sind einige wieder doppelt im gleichen Ordner |
@zToRm777: evtl komm ich am WE dazu, ansonsten nächste Woche
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Youtube download could not finish completing download. The file stops once convertibg/Demuxing process starts. It says An error occured! Try restarting this plugin (plugin outdated?)
Log: 08.04.22 19.08.43 <--> 08.04.22 19.09.49 jdlog://5108925302851/ |
habe folgende Fehlermeldung: "Hosterproblem? (YouTube)" Hat jemand ggfls. eine Idee? LG und Dank. |
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