Cannot add Account because User Mismatch. You try to add the account SPANNER_GOD
But in your browser you are logged in as SPANNER_GOD
Please make sure that there is no username mismatch!
multihoster user missmatch eror
When I try to add my account to JD2 I get this error even though I have the correct information.
Cannot add Account because User Mismatch. You try to add the account SPANNER_GOD
But in your browser you are logged in as SPANNER_GOD Please make sure that there is no username mismatch! |
please enable Debug logs: Settings --> Advanced Settings --> log debug mode --> Enable & restart JD After this, cause the issue you have again, upload your logs and post a log-ID here. Please post your log-ID here | bitte poste deine Log-ID hier. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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07.04.20 14.46.28 <--> 07.04.20 14.52.26 jdlog://2893815302851/
07.04.20 14.46.28 <--> 07.04.20 14.52.26 jdlog://2893815302851/
according to your log there is a space in front of the username you put in the username field. Try again without this space and it should work just fine -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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