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Old 23.04.2010, 10:42
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Exclamation Getting started with Reconnection | Erste Schritte zum Reconnect

Die deutsche Anleitung befindet sich im 2. Beitrag.

Reconnection is an advanced approach for skipping long waits (> 15 minutes) that some hosts impose on free users. It is not helpful while using a premium account. It is not necessary, just another way to increase download speed. It is often more helpful to diversify the hosts you download from.

Please read the whole category before following the instructions of the respective category.

A) Getting Started

If the "Settings" tab does not show in JDownloader, use File - View Settings to make it visible.

On the Settings tab, there is a tree on the left to allow you to select the specific settings you want to work with. You should see Reconnection; click on it. Now, on the right hand side, you should see a tab marked "LiveHeader/Curl". Click on the tab to make sure that page is selected.

From the user manual for your router, find the username, password, and Local IP address of your router. Enter that information into the top of the LiveHeader/Curl page (if your router does not use a username, then just enter your first name as the username). Also, find the name, model, and firmware version (see below) of your router (do not worry if some of this is missing).

If you start your Browser and enter the Local IP address into the address bar, your browser should open a page and show you simple details like the name, model, and firmware version of your router (write down this information). If the Local IP address does not work, use the "Fetch Router IP" button to find the correct IP address (do not forget to record this in the manual).

Note: If you own a Fritz! Box as router, then you can easily type in "fritz.box" in the browser's adress bar to get to the router's page.

B) See if you have a dynamic IP adress that is easily reset

Enter "whatismyip.com" in your browser's address bar and press Enter. This will display your IP address (as the internet sees it). Write down this address.

Now turn the power switch on the Router off, wait about 5 seconds, and turn the power switch back on (if you cannot find a power switch, unplug the power (mains) and plug it back in).

Wait for the internet connection to rebuild (about 2 minutes, Icon in the info tray). Now, reload your browser's web page (usually F5, or click in the address bar and press enter again). If you see a different IP address displayed, then you have a dynamic IP address and can go on to C).

If the IP address does not change, you either have a static IP address or a sticky IP address. Check with your internet provider to make sure you have a Dynamic IP address. If you are supposed to have a static IP address, then reconnection won't work for you.

If you are supposed to have a dynamic IP address (it is sticky), use Google to search for
site:jdownloader.org change mac address
Read articles like "How to change IP when reconnect doesn't work". Read the related threads. Try those approaches. If none of them work, go to G) If nothing Works.
C) See if there is already information about your Router

Search the Reconnection forum for your router model. Somebody may have found a unique problem reconnecting your router and there may be an answer. The Google search below is for Microlink brand routers; substitute your brand or model:
site:jdownloader.org "change IP" OR reconnect Microlink
D) See if there is already a script for your Router

You can click on the Select Router button and a window will pop up listing over a thousand routers -- do not panic. At the top of the window is a single line that usually contains "Search Router Model". Enter the model of your router into the line and the list will shorten to a more manageable size. The more information you enter, the shorter the list will get.

Find the listing that most closely matches your Router. Click on the router name and the script will appear in the box on the right. Don't worry if you don't understand it. Click "OK" and the script will be installed for you to use.

Test your script by pressing the Change IP button at the bottom of the page. If it succeeds, congratulations. You now have a working reconnection script.

If it does not succeed, do not give up hope. There are a lot of things to try.

The first thing to try is to click on Reconnect - Advanced in the settings tree on the left. Change the last line (Timeout for IP Change) to 180 (3 minutes). This should allow your router plenty of time to complete a reconnection. This setting can be higher, it just means that you will have to wait longer for tests that fail. It won't affect normal Reconnections unless it is too short. After giving your router more time, go back to the Reconnection page and click on Change IP to test the router.

If the script still does not work, go back to step D) and try a different router script. You may have to try several router scripts before you find the correct script.

E) What if nothing matches my Router or none of the scripts work?

Please watch **External links are only visible to Support Staff**this video about how to Create a Reconnection Script.
To summarize the video, the steps are:
1. Enter the Router's Local IP address into the browser's address bar and press Enter. Your browser will display the router's introduction page, which should include a menu of some kind.
2. Search through the pages, without changing anything. At some point you will probably have to enter your username and password (some routers do not use a username). Look around until you find either a "Restart", "Reboot", "Reset", "Change IP", or "Connection Test" button or link.
3. Open JDownloader Settings - Reconnection. Click on the "Create Reconnection Script" button in JDownloader. Click on the "Start" button. Now, your Browser will navigate to the router's introduction page.
4. Navigate to the Reboot or Restart button or link and click on the button or link. JDownloader has been recording everything you have done since pressing Start. After the router has reconnected, JDownloader will notice the changed IP address and congratulate you on your successful script.
5. Click the "Yes" button to save the reconnection script.
6. Use the "Change IP" button on the bottom of the page in the JDownloader to test your script. If the script works, congratulations! You have a working reconnection script. At a later date, you may be asked for permission to include your script in the database for other users.

Reference: Reconnect Recorder

F) My reconnection script didn't work, what do I do?

1. Don't panic, we have more options.
2. Try part E again, but this time when presented with the Start button, tick the "Raw Mode" check box. This will create a more detailed script that almost always works.

G) If Nothing Works

Rule: Search Before Asking or Creating a New Thread
Searching JDownloader.org
If that does not work, create a new thread in the Reconnect forum, choose the prefix [Script request] and title your thread corresponding to your router name. Describe your router and what you have tried so far. A support person or another user will answer your request as soon as possible.

D-Link router users: Some D-Link routers require an external program to reconnect. See Instructions for Special Routers.

Last edited by Think3r; 18.11.2011 at 11:51. Reason: Prefix Update

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