Links and log please.
GreeZ pspzockerscene
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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seit den jüngsten Updates wird für YT-Videos automatisch ein Pfad zum Programmordner unter C: gesetzt und die fertigen Videos befinden sich dann direkt im JD2-Ordner. Das gilt aber nur für YT-Videos. Downloads von anderen Hostern landen da, wo sie laut Einstellungen hinsollen. Pfad muss manuell neu festgelegt werden. |
Kann ich nicht bestätigen - hast du irgendwelche Paketverwalter Regeln aktiv?
Log bitte... GreeZ pspzockerscene
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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JD2 will not detect any upload dates prior to 2011. It will simply show up blank.
2012-2014 work fine. I have my filenames as *date[yyyy/MM/dd]* - *videoname* (*quality*).*ext* |
provide a url to a video in question raztoki
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
any pre-2012 video
2010 (doesn't work) **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** 2011 (doesn't work) **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** 2012 (works) **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** ![]() All videos I've tried do the same thing. |
I've been using date_time it works for all three. I can reproduce your findings with date. I'll check to see why.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
Hi, I was off for a while, but I have still the same issue.
When trying to download a youtube video, I get the soundpart plus a jpg. I generated a Log (I did this for the first time), and jdownloader 2 told me to give this to my supporter: 23.08.14 12.21.35to23.08.14 12.21.34 jdlog://3295313173041/ And this is the youtube Link: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
4K in landscape mode works (3840x2160)
4K in portrait mode does not work (2160x3840) The video variant shows as 2160p but actual downloaded file is 1080p only, resolution 1080x1980 instead of 2160x3840 as verified in VLC player. 4K landscape mode videos downloads correctly as 3840x2160 resolution. Here is 2 sample videos, 4K portrait mode: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
Merged YT threads.
GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Youtube support is completely gone from latest?
Screen: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** 29.08.14 22.50.21to29.08.14 22.52.00 jdlog://6733413173041/ Build: Sat Aug 30 02:18:28 CEST 2014 |
missing translation prevents the youtube plugin setting pane from opening. I need to bring this up with coalado. I cant reproduce this myself.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
Youtube is not working for me today.
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Please delete these files, start Jdownloader and install all updates. <JDownloader installdir>\update\versioninfo\JD\rev <JDownloader installdir>\update\versioninfo\JDU\rev
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Please try again
After the latest update today (30th Aug), using Youtube sharing links for downloading is not working. Means after copying download sharing links from Youtube, Jdownloader is not detecting any clips on that link. Manually adding new links is also not working.
Using the same link via savemedia is ok. This means the link is ok. Anyone having the same issue after update? |
sharing links ? can you please provide a link that doesn't work?
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
@raptor2003 where are the example links and the log?
@minixbox. Your links works fine for me.
» Setup JD2 / Instalador de JD2 «
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Bei diesem Video
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** gibt es Untertitel in mehreren Sprachen. Ich habe in den jd2-settings bei 'Allowed Media Files' = subtitles aktiviert, und weiter unten bei 'Defaults Variants' = create a link for the best subtitles. Dann kommt die englische srt. - Wenn ich den Haken bei 'Defaults Variants' wieder entferne, kommt überhaupt keine srt. Frage: kann man mehrere srt zugleich auswählen lassen, oder einstellen, welche Spache bei 'best subtitles' bevorzugt werden soll? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Windows 7 prof. [32-bit] SP1 * Java 7 Update 65 [32-bit] |
It has been fixed with the latest update.
Why do I have do download ffmpeg?
1. I have ffmpeg, 2. I want to handle partial files/audio only myself. |
why? because many plugins require it for dash, hls or other components.
you can provide it before its triggered to install (to jd tools directory), by defining path in advanced settings. JD automatically merges based on what the plugin tells it to, so you don't get any interaction based on "handling partial files/audio yourself".
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
jd tools directory makes no sense as ffpmeg is in the system.
I see no path setting for ffmpeg - EDIT: I found it. But the question remains: Why can't the file just be left alone? Last edited by lkajsfdg; 01.09.2014 at 22:18. |
think for *nix based systems it should search the system first, windows based systems typically not present so it's provided.
what file left alone? as in not providing ffmpeg ? providing it makes it idiot proof and user friendly. Majority of the user base wouldn't know what todo in terms of installing and setting ffmpeg path parameter. This is why all dependencies come with JDownloader and configured for them, even a copy of JRE (if non found by the installer). raztoki
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
On my Google account I have 2-step verification enabled.
While trying the normal account password the login the account manager says login invalid. When I put an application password to login, the account manager still says login invalid. |
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"Subtitles" and "Create a Link for the best Subtitles" checked = one subtitle-file in English. German and Spanish are available too. "Subtitles" checked and "Create a Link for the best Subtitles" unchecked = no subtitles shown at all. Build Sat Sep 06 12:53:02 CEST 2014 |
I reported a problem some time ago, that jDownloader 2 downloads a JPG instead of a video from youtube. I still have this problem. Am I the only one or has somebody a hint for me where the problem is? Thanks J |
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Please post a log and some example links. Also include screenshot(s) of youtube plugin settings.
» Setup JD2 / Instalador de JD2 «
Installer for Windows XP/Vista/Seven/Eight || JD2 x86 - x64 (Beta) || Installer for Mac || JD2 (Beta) || Installers for Linux || JD2 (Beta) x86 || <---> || JD2 (Beta) x64 || How to Create a Log -» Click Here «- ¿Cómo crear un registro? -» Click Aquí «- Support Chat / Chat de Soporte -» Click Here / Click Aquí «- |
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Problem besteht nicht mehr. |
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**External links are only visible to Support Staff**... And here is the Log-ID I get if I "create a log" in jDownloader2: jdlog://7723513173041/ Is that OK, or should I upload the Logs also? Attached are my youtube plugin settings. I hope this helps. Thanks J. |
top settings are for best, in order to use that you need link fur beste videoqualityat erstellen (top checkbox in image three) the bottom settings which you have disabled which allow -additional- formats
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
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Thanks for your help. Now it works. I activated all settings in the bottom section. Now I get a lot of entries in the link grabber from which I can choose. |
you can always choose which you want from right click context menu > add variant > type (will add a new downloadlink), or change current to another variant with adding new downloadlink to linkgrabber 'right click > set variant > type.'
there is also a new column name called 'variant' while also allows you to change current downloadlink variant type to another. Adding all types will dramatically slow down youtube plugin, specially if you decrypt channel/large playlists, so keep that in mind. raztoki
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
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Nach meinem laienhaften Verständnis müsste es klappen, wenn ich oben Untertitel zulasse, aber unten nicht die besten auswählen lasse. Dann müssten eigentlich alle kommen, aber es kommen überhaupt keine. - Nur wenn ich die besten auswählen lasse, kommt eine einzige srt, in der Sprache, die scheinbar am besten zur in jd2 benutzten Sprache passt: benutze ich jd2 in englisch, kommt die englische srt, benutze ich jd2 in deutsch, kommt die deutsche srt. jd2 scheint immer nur eine einzige srt anzubieten. - Nach dieser Logik müsste man zwischendurch immer die Benutzersprache ändern, und dann einen neuen Downloadversuch starten. Und wenn es für die aktuelle Benutzersprache keine srt gibt, bleibt es dem Zufall überlassen, welche srt von jd2 als beste ausgewählt wird. Last edited by werner252; 08.09.2014 at 13:25. |
Ein Untertitel reicht doch?! Zur besten Qualität: Dies ist standardmäßig der Fall... GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Kommt, wie fast immer, drauf an. Bei Opern hätte ich gerne die Untertitel in der Originalsprache, in der gesungen wird (oft italienisch), und die deutschen. Bei deutschen Opern reichen mir die deutschen Untertitel. Vielleicht kannst du dich erinnern: ganz am Anfang gab es in jd2 Probleme, wenn die deutschen Übersetzungen in eine msgbox eingefügt wurden: die waren auf kurze englische Texte konzipiert. Seitdem war meine Benutzersprache englisch, was aber nicht heisst, dass ich die englischen Untertitel will. Es sei denn, es handelt sich um eine der wenigen englischen Opern, bei denen englisch die Originalsprache ist.
Last edited by werner252; 09.09.2014 at 21:04. |
Jaja schon verstanden.
Ticket: Bitte poste einige Testlinks mit verschiedenen verfügbaren Sprachen, danke! GreeZ pspzockerscene
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
![]() Quote:
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Nach meiner Ansicht geht es nicht in erster Linie um 'language selection', sondern darum, dass alle verfügbaren srt runtergeladen werden, wenn bei 'Erlaubte Media Typen' Untertitel angekreuzt wurde, und bei Standardvarianten nicht. - Dann kann der User sagen: ich will alle, oder, wenn er Standardvariante auch ankreuzt, ich will die, die jd2 für die beste hält. (Bei Untertiteln bezieht sich 'beste' auf die Sprache, nicht auf die Qualität; die ist natürlich bei allen srt gleich.) Eine Sprachauswahl an dieser Stelle ist nicht möglich, weil man da noch garnicht weiss, welche srt mit dem Video mitgeliefert werden. Deshalb: alle, und der User kann dann entscheiden, welche er zum Brennen verwenden will. Untertiteldateien sind nicht sehr groß, so dass die Zeit keine Rolle spielt. Das war vielleicht ein Mißverständnis: mir ging es nicht darum, dass ich sagen kann: ich will die deutschen Untertitel, obwohl ich als Benutzersprache englisch ausgewählt habe. Sondern ich will immer alle, dann sind die deutschen mit dabei, wenn es sie gibt. Es gibt 2 Checkboxen für Untertitel. Die wirken im Moment so: a) nur checkbox oben angekreuzt = es kommt überhaupt keine srt b) checkbox oben und unten angekreuzt = es kommt nur die nach Ansicht von jd2 am besten zur Benutzersprache passende srt. Bei Variante a) sollten aber alle verfügbaren srt kommen. - Das ist aus meiner Sicht die einzige nötige Änderung. Last edited by werner252; 10.09.2014 at 21:31. |
A problem......I not very knowledgeable about this but here are the details.
Youtube is banned in my office network so i use this software called psiphon3. I think it creates a localhost proxy using ssh+ . I use Jdownloader 2's automatic proxy detection and it detects it with no problems(HTTP 8080). With this i was able to download youtube videos without any problems......... until an update released on sept 5 (that's when i installed it). After this update I wasn't able to JD2 to download youtube videos. To make sure i wasn't paranoid, I tested it at my home PC and same result! Worked properly before update and stopped working after the update. attaching a screenshot with this post P.S i went to help>create a log and i got this- 11.09.14 13.29.40to11.09.14 13.43.41 jdlog://4708513173041/ i read in one of the post that the youtube plug in was updated. Could that be the cause of this problem? steps to replicate the problem: Download psiphon3, run it on ssh+, open JD2, go to proxy and click on automatic proxy detection. untick no proxy and tick the "HTTP 8080" proxy. And try downloading a video. Edit: i went into advanced setting to poke around and saw 2 "youtube: proxy" options. One had "null" value and other had a check box.Tried downloading it with the box checked but nothing happened Last edited by khooni; 11.09.2014 at 12:42. |
it has nothing todo with the update your youtube log is littered with socket related issues introduced by firewall or proxy itself. Search "SocketTimeoutException|ConnectException" (1581 hits in 1 file)
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
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