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Old 11.09.2024, 10:41
beechcott beechcott is offline
Wind Gust
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 42
Default JDownloader interface frequently freezing, apparently due to high disk usage.

About a month or two ago, a problem suddenly started occurring in JDownloader and has continued to exist since then. Essentially, certain minor actions sometimes (but not always) cause the entire JDownloader interface to freeze for at least 30 seconds, sometimes over a minute. These include opening/maximizing or closing/minimizing packages in the linkgrabber list or download list, renaming packages, choosing a different YouTobe video aspect ratio/variant, adding a package to the download list, and sometimes even crawling links.

At first, I thought it was a matter of not having enough RAM. But after I bought and installed 64 GB of RAM and (successfully) changed JDownloader's RAM allocation to 16 GB in the JDownloader2.vmoptions file, this proved not to be the case. For one, thing, the RAM usage never gets even close to the 16 GB limit and my system's total RAM usage never goes above 55% even with multiple programs running.

But most notably, I finally discovered that whenever the JDownloader freezes occur, it's the Disk usage rather than RAM that goes up. I discovered that in normal circumstances, Windows Task Manager shows JDownloader's Disc usage as 0 MB/s. However, whenever the freezes occur, Jdownlaoder's Disk usage in Task Manager shoots up to around 9-11 MB/s and stays in that range until the freeze stops, then abruptly drops down to normal. The Disk being used is presumably my C drive, which is a SSD. It seems that for some reason, various minor actions within JDownloader cause its Disk usage to shoot way up to the point of causing the program's interface to freeze. Note that this happens even if no file is being downloaded, meaning that the Disk usage is not due to file downloading. I don't know what could cause this or how to fix it.

These freezes do not only effect JDownloader itself. If I happen to be watching a YouTube (or other online) video in a browser when the freeze happens, the video will freeze for about half a second when the JDownloader freeze starts. In fact, any time I copy a YouTube link to my clipboard and JDownloader begins to crawl the link, this freeze of the YouTube video in my browser occurs, even if JDownloader doesn't freeze.

I created a log of a short session in which one of the freezes happened.

My log ID:

10.09.24 23.32.55 <--> 11.09.24 02.20.28 jdlog://1745411370661/
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