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Old 31.03.2019, 11:51
julien1530 julien1530 is offline
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Default New macOS App "MyJDownloader Events" available on the App Store!

Hello everyone,

I would like to announce that there is now an macOS app available that adds notifications and native Captcha support to your Mac. This means for Apple users that browser extensions are no longer needed to remotely solve Recaptchas or to receive messages from your JDownloader.

The official MyJDownloader service is used, which means that you will need an MyJD account and at least one linked JDownloader to use the app.

Since this is some kind of pilot project, I would like to know how useful you find the app and what features are missing in your eyes.

Bookmarks for web-browsing can be attached and by default there is a link to the official MyJDownloader site. This allows you to quickly and easily reach the official MyJDownloader page at any time and react to events such as a download completion.

For the next major release german localization and dialog support are planned.

MyJDownloader Events on the Mac App Store:

MyJDownloader Events Features:
• Check the JDownloader's status, progress, ETA and speed.
• Solve and skip a wide selection of captchas, including Basic-Captchas, Media-Captchas, Click-Captchas, and RecaptchaV2.
• Receive notifications on Dialogs, Captchas, JDownloader state changes and download completions.

Promo codes for the first 10 users:
(Promo codes can be redeemed in the account area of the Mac App store under "Redeem".)


I'm looking forward for your feedback! You can reply to this message or send me an email: julian.donart@mail.de

If you like the app, please rate MyJDownloader Events on the Mac App Store!

Best regards,

Attached Images
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File Type: jpg MyJDownloaderEvents3.jpg (959.5 KB, 5 views)
File Type: jpg MyJDownloaderEvents4.jpg (769.5 KB, 4 views)
File Type: png Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-29 um 10.08.59.png (271.3 KB, 0 views)

Last edited by Jiaz; 01.04.2019 at 16:05.
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Old 01.04.2019, 16:05
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Great app! Nice solution to better integrate captchas in workflow! Thumbs up!
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Old 03.04.2019, 03:15
Statter Statter is offline
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Too bad you only made it available for OSX 10.13+
Would have been tested by more maybe if it were 10.6+ or at least 10.10+ instead ..
Good luck though.
JD for the rest of us we will need to still rely on the browser extentions
OS X !0.6.8 Mac Pro Intel (Workhorse)
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Last edited by Statter; 03.04.2019 at 03:18.
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Old 03.04.2019, 10:25
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@Statter: Maybe the sdk is no longer compatible to older MacOS versions or he uses features that aren't available in older sdk/MacOS version, I don't know. But I'm sure if the developer reads your post, he will comment it
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Old 03.04.2019, 16:26
julien1530 julien1530 is offline
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thank you for the feedback. I will add the point to my to-do list.

As Jiaz already mentioned, the reason for this is that some required APIs are only available from OS X 10.13+.

I will try to make the app compatible with versions earlier than 10.13 in the next release, but 10.10+ (OS X Yosemite) will be difficult...

Best regards,

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Old 03.04.2019, 16:32
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@Julian: thanks for the feedback and confirmation about my thoughts ;
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Old 03.04.2019, 19:10
Statter Statter is offline
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Yes I know it can be difficult especially now with Apple making it difficult to install the older XCode SDK's into the dev kit. Especially on newer macs that won't install the old dev tools.
Using some special commands and tools one should be able to build for some earlier OSes still and of course not for 32bit which has been finally depreciated completely with XCode
The Deprecation Notices need to of course be reviewed properly of course as well as when targeting iOS. C++ projects must now migrate to libc++ and are recommended to set a deployment target of macOS 10.9 or later, or iOS 7 or later. with XCode 10.x

No its not always easy but I know some apps are still built to work on 10.6+ although I am sure that will soon change for those few apps left also unfortunately. Thankfully for now at least JD2 still works on 10.6.8 yes it is not a typical app and uses Java so to speak which is done extremely well. So Kudos to the JD team and developers.

Good luck julien1530
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Old 04.04.2019, 11:32
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Originally Posted by Statter View Post
Thankfully for now at least JD2 still works on 10.6.8 yes it is not a typical app and uses Java so to speak which is done extremely well. So Kudos to the JD team and developers.
We do our best to keep Java1.6 compatibility as long as possible
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Old 12.04.2019, 13:08
julien1530 julien1530 is offline
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I translated the app into german and added support for MacOS 10.12. I will try to support even older versions in the following updates.

Version 1.0.2 was approved yesterday by Apple and can be downloaded from the Mac App Store.

I am looking forward to your feedback.

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Old 10.10.2019, 00:09
roundsquare roundsquare is offline
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The app UI looks nice, but one very important thing is missing: JDownloader and the app should start each other mutually. Whichever is opened, the other follows, otherwise, no point really, unless the app is open all the time, but that isn't something I would do.
Any chance for an option for this?
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Old 04.04.2019, 09:51
julien1530 julien1530 is offline
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wow, sounds you are familiar with apple programming

Unfortunately and unlike iOS, Apple does not offer simulators (or have anything like) to allow developers tests on previous macOS versions.

Instead, we are required to install macOS on virtual machines for testing. In addition, I have seen that some OS versions can't even more downloaded from the Mac App Store or the Apple Developer Portal.

All this makes backward compatibility difficult and uncomfortable.

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Old 25.11.2019, 03:31
Statter Statter is offline
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Originally Posted by julien1530 View Post
wow, sounds you are familiar with apple programming

Unfortunately and unlike iOS, Apple does not offer simulators (or have anything like) to allow developers tests on previous macOS versions.

Instead, we are required to install macOS on virtual machines for testing. In addition, I have seen that some OS versions can't even more downloaded from the Mac App Store or the Apple Developer Portal.

All this makes backward compatibility difficult and uncomfortable.

Yes I am aware of such and at least it you are using a VM you can install the older OS and programing tools to make such an app backwardly compatible as some do still in one way or another and then you can run the code also on later version OSes through their Programing tools to compile and still maintain backward compatibility or just make one and label it such if really needed. the bigger problem of course is that now that x32 has been depreciated it is often removed which really isnt a problem for some machines of the older variety that are able to run both x32 & x64 programs.
I have not looked at the Apple Store and what they allow for flags set for Operating systems to still use the Apple Store for programs that are still available to be downloaded and run on such as osx 10.6.8 but there used to be something. Most I think now that are programing a lot and putting on the Apple Store are mostly from what I have seen is and has been the Programmers (some of these are of course the newbies or kids since apple has made the newer programing tools essentially childs play so to speak) using the latest OS and programing tools from apple and they do not know how to even make some of them backward compatible to osx 10.10.x which is really annoying.

You could also if the app store doesn't allow now days for such backward compatible programs to be put up and actually downloaded by those wanting or needing them, you could probably put such shares up on maybe your own web site or blog or some other site for others to grab and then use without having to jump through apples loop. just a thought. As a programmer many do have their own sites and blogs in one form or another.
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Old 29.11.2019, 16:16
julien1530 julien1530 is offline
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Originally Posted by Statter View Post
You could also if the app store doesn't allow now days for such backward compatible programs to be put up and actually downloaded by those wanting or needing them, you could probably put such shares up on maybe your own web site or blog or some other site for others to grab and then use without having to jump through apples loop. just a thought. As a programmer many do have their own sites and blogs in one form or another.
thank you very much for your thougts. Currently, I have only very less time to bring in new things, but I'll keep this in mind. Yes, you're right, and the most difficult part would be to find any alternative for the WKWebview API, which currently seems to be the only way to display Googles recaptchas and is only available from 10.10+.

Check out the latest version (1.0.4). The app does now also close together with your local JDownloader. I already submitted a version (1.0.5) to Apple that fixes a stupid bug with popped over captchas. It would be nice if you could give me feedback.

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Old 10.10.2019, 16:43
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@neoyoli: JDownloader and app don't have to run on the same machine. In case both are running on the same, then the developer of the app might add support for it, but on JDownloader site you can easily solve this with help of a custom script for the eventscripter to start the app with JDownloader start, see
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Old 18.10.2019, 01:49
roundsquare roundsquare is offline
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The developer has implemented it, thank you! (now it would be just perfect if it quit with JDownloader, if that's possible...)
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Old 18.10.2019, 12:49
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quit with JDownloader? So when you close JDownloader, also close the app? If yes, then this is something the developer has to add support for
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Old 18.10.2019, 12:51
roundsquare roundsquare is offline
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Yes, definitely.
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Old 22.11.2019, 10:19
julien1530 julien1530 is offline
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Hello neoyoli,

thank you for your feedback and sorry for this late reply.

I will check whether such a quit feature is feasible and also “AppStore friendly” (that’s probably the most difficult part). But I will see what I can do.

For the meantime and to get a solution quickly, you may follow Jiaz approach by writing some scripts yourself.

If you have any further questions or feature requests feel free to contact me directly, I will answer faster, I promise

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Old 17.12.2019, 20:48
roundsquare roundsquare is offline
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Hey Julian, thanks for the open-quit feature, it is amazing! Really good. I even disabled JDownloader tray icon (menu bar icon) because it's not needed anymore. However notifications don't work for me (in the Notification Center I see some notifications, but the banner doesn't show up, when it happens. I'm not sure if it's just me or a bug, but worked previously (doesn't work with the tray icon enabled either).
Important notifications I'd like to see and the option to toggle them:

- download started
- download finished
- extraction started
- extraction finished
- linkgrabber started
- linkgrabber finished
- captcha activity

status not important for me.

I'm on MacOS 10.14.6

I can test too, if needed.

One more thing: it would be nice if the app would remember the position (open or closed) of the drop-down menu of JDownloader status info - so it wouldn't be needed to click on it next time at launch.

Thanks Julian, really nice work!

Last edited by roundsquare; 17.12.2019 at 21:07.
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Old 18.12.2019, 19:46
julien1530 julien1530 is offline
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Hi neoyoli,

Originally Posted by neoyoli View Post
Hey Julian, thanks for the open-quit feature, it is amazing! Really good. I even disabled JDownloader tray icon (menu bar icon) because it's not needed anymore.
thanks for the feedback. Good to hear!

Originally Posted by neoyoli View Post
However notifications don't work for me (in the Notification Center I see some notifications, but the banner doesn't show up, when it happens. I'm not sure if it's just me or a bug, but worked previously (doesn't work with the tray icon enabled either).
That sounds strange. Notifications work fine for me on macOS 10.15.1 and at least the last message shall remain in the notification center. Have you tried turning notifications off and on again in the apps preferences window? Have you also checked and granted notification settings in macOS settings? Does uninstall/install help?

Originally Posted by neoyoli View Post
Important notifications I'd like to see and the option to toggle them:

- download started
Your suggestions should be feasible. Hopefully, I will find some time now between the years.

Originally Posted by neoyoli View Post
I can test too, if needed.
Thanks for the offer. It would be great to have a tester for this app. Unfortunately, since Apple Testflight is not available for macOS apps, it would be necessary to register your Mac UUID for testing in my developer account.

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Old 19.12.2019, 15:37
roundsquare roundsquare is offline
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I'm so sorry, Do Not Disturb was turned on:D Notifications are working perfectly.
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Old 21.12.2019, 17:07
Andimp3 Andimp3 is offline
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Hi !

Ich habe seitdem ich heute das Passwort von jDownloader auf meinem NAS geändert habe ich ein Problem mit der App.

Es kommt in Taktung von ca. 1 Sekunde von der App immer wieder die Maldung dass das Passwort nicht stimmt und weil sich die Meldung ständig erneuert habe ich keine Chance das neu e Passwort einzugeben.

Selbst ansonsten kann ich dann am Recner nichts machen außer diesen neu zu starten oder herunter zu fahren da das Fenster der App immer in den Vordergrund springt.

Ich habe den Rechner dann im abgesicherten Modus hochgefahren und dachte mit löschen und neu installieren der App würde helfen... aber nein... scheinbar werden die JDownloader-Zugangsdaten der App nicht mit der App gelöscht.

Wie kann ich nun das Passwort auf das neue ändern bzw. die App so zurücksetzen das diese nicht solche zicken macht ?
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Old 25.12.2019, 19:51
julien1530 julien1530 is offline
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Hi Andimp3,

vielen Dank für die Info und sorry für die Unannehmlichkeiten. An den Usecase hatte ich bislang nicht gedacht. Das ist ein dummer Bug, den ich sofort beheben werde.

Deine MyJDownloader Zugangsdaten werden unter macOS (wie bei jeder anderen App) im folgenden Ordner gespeichert:


Um das Problem zu beheben, löschst du am besten einfach den Ordner und startest die App neu. Danach sollte alles wieder wie bei der ersten Installation sein.

Viele Grüße

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Old 19.03.2020, 21:34
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Vielen Dank für dieses praktische Programm! Bis jetzt funktioniert alles perfekt.
Die einzige Änderung, die ich mir wünschen würde, wäre eine Überarbeitung des Icons der Menüleiste. Am besten eines, welches denen von Apple gleicht.

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Old 04.04.2020, 16:40
bigbadbunnyrabbit bigbadbunnyrabbit is offline
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wäre es möglich, dass die App auch die Zwischenablage an JD übergeben könnte bzw. eine Option zum Hinzufügen von Links (oder auch Containern)? Das MyJD-Webinterface ist ein Graus unter Safari...
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Old 10.04.2020, 18:13
julien1530 julien1530 is offline
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das kann die App leider nicht. Du müsstest das über die MyJDownloader Webplattform tun oder einen anderen Weg finden.

Danke für dein Feedback! Ich packe es auf die ToDo-Liste.

Gruß Julian
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