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Old 19.04.2012, 02:35
fits79 fits79 is offline
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Default Does the jd 2 has the same updates as jd 1 stable?


Does the new pre-beta jdownloader 2 has the same updates as the jdownloader stable?
I ask that because i have major problems with jdownloader stable after the 17-4-2012 updates.

And until is fixed(If is gonna fixed) i am thinking to use jd 2 beta.
Old 19.04.2012, 03:48
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They all use the same plugins if that's what your asking. Version 2 currently updates instantly from when we commit the source code to the svn. So you wont have to 'wait for plugin updates' unlike stable and nightly.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer

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Old 19.04.2012, 04:02
fits79 fits79 is offline
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So i understant even the jd2 it has the same stuck problem as the jd stavle and nightly has.

I hope and believe to fix these stuck problems with the next update because now we CAN'T download anything at all it stuck even i put 1 chunk every one file as the jiaz tallied that settings solve the problem but it DOESN'T SOLVE IT AT ALL.

even i download 1 file per time with only one chunk.

I am veru sorry because i use that program a lot and now with that problem toy tigh my hands....
Old 19.04.2012, 04:27
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I understand your pain but the real issue here is, you don't seem to understand or what to understand take on advice that is an isolated problem to just you! To address this you need to look at what else has changed around you... Try to reconfigure your system making sure you have the correct emptions. A Virus infected computer at times can interfere with connections also, make sure you don't have one/some. Make sure you don't have any other external software interfering with jdownloader.exe or java.exe or javaw.exe. I'd also give thought to what could have changed around the time of the last update other than JD, did you windows do updates?? Have you installed any new software at all?

Have you looked at your router/modem at all?
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer

Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :]
Old 19.04.2012, 04:33
fits79 fits79 is offline
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As i tallied you i DON'T change anything at all because the netbook i have it only for download and i have disable all other like windows 7 updates, firewall e.t.c.

So the only thing change is the updates on the prg....
Why don't you understand this?

As i tallied do you want to tell you id & psw for teamviewer to look the pc yourself?

Yes my modem/router don't has anything wrong at all i try restart and re-configure from beginning with nothing change and the time that jdownloader stucks all the pages at the firefox 11 works fine without any problem even if i download a file from the browser it download it with the correct speed so it isn't the router.

Last edited by fits79; 19.04.2012 at 04:49.
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