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Old 19.04.2012, 04:35
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Default How to Open folder, context menu

I have gone ahead and downloaded JD2. So far everything is perfect, and I do realise it is still in beta, so it's not finished but it's missing two options which would be great if it can be implemented again.

1. When you're downloading a larger file and you don't want to wait for it to finish in the original JD you had the option to "shutdown when downloads finished" in the new JD2 I couldn't find it. Unless it's hidden somewhere I don't think it's included.

2. If you're done downloading a file I always used to right click on it and go to "view file in folder" (that's not the proper name, but it opens the folder of where it is downloaded).

If these could be added it would be lovely. Thanks, and I'll keep you posted.
Old 19.04.2012, 08:01
eisbaer eisbaer is offline
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1. it is a beta, its comming with the next updates
2. right klick > properities > download directory
Old 19.04.2012, 08:12
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Please read JDownloader v2 (beta) - Known issues & bugs and [Important] JDownloader 2 - Alpha/Pre-Beta FAQ

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raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer

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