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Old 23.09.2020, 12:53
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Arrow Number videos in the order of their age on the YouTube channel

Hi everyone! Thank you for awesome program and support!

So, i need to download a youtube channel and it's very important to know which video's was first and which are last, my question: how to automatically number videos in order of their age in the channel?

What i want in example:
1. %Video_Name% ( oldest )
2. %Video_Name%
3. %Video_Name% ( last / newest )

Not working options:
just download video's and sort / rename with regular expression's based on date. If download with more than one flow, date's will be confused.

Possible working methods:
limit download flow to 1 and all videos will have reverse age, newest video will be oldest in folder and oldest will be first.
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Old 23.09.2020, 15:39
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out of the box, this is impossible but here are your options:
1. Go to Settings -> Plugins -> YT -> Scroll down and modify the filenames so that they contain the date when the video was uploaded.
If you still want the numbers afterwards, you could use a batch renaming tool and simply rename all by sort-order --> There you got your "order-numbers".
I see you've already done a similar attempt --> You need something that can rename files from top to bottom order AND via RegEx and you'll be fine.

2. Add all videos of your channel into a (public) playlist.
Then change the YT plugin settings in JD so that your filenames contain "*PLAYLIST_POSITION*" (without the "") and download that playlist.

If I were you, I'd choose option number 1.

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