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Old 28.11.2024, 16:11
pspzockerscene's Avatar
pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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Default Write comment into text file

The following script writes a comment on a download item into a .txt file with the same name of the source item.


// Writes link comment to text file
// Trigger: "A download has stopped"
// Has some settings, just search for "settings" in this code

// Main function that runs the script based on the early return principle
function run() {
    // Early return if the download is not finished
    if (!link.isFinished()) {
        // console.log("Link is not yet downloaded");

    var comment = link.getComment(); // Retrieve the comment from the link

    // Early return if the comment is empty
    if (!comment) {

    // Retrieve the link's file name and download folder path
    var fileName = link.name;
    var sourcePath = package.getDownloadFolder();
    // "Settings", see vars down below
    // Define allowed file types (set to null or undefined to allow all types)
    var allowedFileTypes = null; // Example: set to null to allow all file types
    // var allowedFileTypes = [".mp3"];
    // Option to overwrite existing files
    var overwriteExisting = false; // Set to true to overwrite existing files

    // Check if the file type is allowed (skip check if allowedFileTypes is null or undefined)
    if (allowedFileTypes && !allowedFileTypes.some(function(extension) { return fileName.endsWith(extension); })) {

    // Change the file name to add ".txt" as the new extension
    var outputPath = sourcePath + "/" + fileName + ".txt";

    // Early return if the file exists and overwriting is disabled
    if (!overwriteExisting && getPath(outputPath).exists()) {
    // Write the comment to the file
    writeFile(outputPath, comment, true);

// Execute the run function


Before you ask:
The reason I put all the code into a function is to be able to do "return;" instead of an exception since otherwise it won't compile in our framework.

Here is a merged version of mine and this one:

// Writes link comment to text file
// Trigger: "A download has stopped"
// Has some settings, just search for "settings" in this code

// Main function that runs the script based on the early return principle
function run() {
    // "Settings", see vars down below
    // Define allowed file types (set to null or undefined to allow all types)
    var allowedFileTypes = null; // Example: set to null to allow all file types
    // var allowedFileTypes = [".mp3"];
    // Option to overwrite existing files
    var overwriteExisting = false; // Set to true to overwrite existing files
    // Allowed hosts (only these hosts will proceed; set to null to allow all hosts)
    var myHosts = ["soundcloud.com", "audiocloud.com", "ping.online.net"];

    // Early return if the download is not finished
    if (!link.isFinished()) {
        // console.log("Link is not yet downloaded");

    var comment = link.getComment(); // Retrieve the comment from the link

    // Early return if the comment is empty
    if (!comment) {

    // Retrieve the link's file name, download folder path, and host
    var fileName = link.name;
    var sourcePath = package.getDownloadFolder();
    var host = link.downloadHost;

    // Skip host check if myHosts is null or undefined
    if (myHosts && myHosts.indexOf(host) === -1) {

    // Skip file type check if allowedFileTypes is null or undefined
    var fileExtension = fileName.split('.').pop();
    if (allowedFileTypes && allowedFileTypes.indexOf(fileExtension) === -1) {

    // Change the file name to add ".txt" as the new extension
    var outputPath = sourcePath + "/" + fileName + ".txt";

    // Early return if the file exists and overwriting is disabled
    if (!overwriteExisting && getPath(outputPath).exists()) {
    // Write the comment to the file
    writeFile(outputPath, comment, true);

// Execute the run function

I liked your "inline function" more since it eliminates one indentation.
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Last edited by pspzockerscene; 10.01.2025 at 14:02.
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