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Old 13.05.2017, 08:14
ElCho ElCho is offline
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Question Getting The Best Balance From Direct & Proxy Connections

Hi, I'm wondering how would I do to get a mix of balanced proxies as well a certain amount of fixed downloads for a direct connection, provided I'm using such three gateways at the same time?

Let's say, I have proxy1, proxy2 and a direct connection, each with 3MB, 3MB and 10MB d/l speed respectively; so, in case I use only the proxies, there is no problem since I already have activated the "balance" feature and JD2 will distribute the downloads equally between them. I set "4" simultaneous downloads, thus there will be always two and two, maximizing each of the 3 MB connections. But the problem shows up when I make active the direct connection (increasing the simul. down. value to 12), since I don't know a way of fixing a determined amount of downloads (8) for it, while keeping the proxies' balance working independently at the same time.

Once I start the downloads queue, I would like JD2 balances the proxies with a max. value of "4" downloads, and, independently, set up a fixed amount of "8" downloads for the direct connection, so according to the amount of files to download, the global amount will always be at 12 files.

Right now, it's myself whom has to alternate manually the proxies/direct connections, accordingly to how the downloads progress, in a way of maximizing the total available download bandwidth.

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Old 15.05.2017, 18:09
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I will add *specify connection in DomainRule* support when I find some free time

or I will add additional settings in Connection settings
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Old 16.05.2017, 02:20
ElCho ElCho is offline
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As far as I know, normally just one connection would be needed at a time, so whether it be directly or thru' a determined proxy, JD2 will work fine under those conditions. But when for some reason one or more proxies come into the equation, and the direct gateway is still active, it would be great to have control over the total available bandwidth from them.

I thought of a "Max. sim. Downloads per Connection" new option, which allows setting a limit for the amount of downloads each gateway will admit. Such option should work accordingly with the already set value of "Max. sim. Downloads" as well as the "balanced" proxies and a determined priority for each connection. So, with these values:

Max. sim. Downloads: "x".
Max. sim. Downloads per Connection: Direct> 8 proxy1> 2 proxy2> 2.
Free Proxy Balance Mode: Balance.
Priority: 1st Direct, 2nd Proxy1 & 3rd Proxy 2.

Whenever I add any amount of downloads, JD2 will always give the first priority to the "Direct" connection, and provided it reaches its max. per connection value, next downloads should start using the proxies. And in case the max. sim. downloads level is already complete, forced downloads should be taken by the "Direct" connection.

Last edited by ElCho; 16.05.2017 at 02:22.
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Old 16.05.2017, 12:33
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I will either add additional settings to each connection or to domain rules
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Old 23.12.2024, 17:47
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