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Old 01.06.2023, 11:49
victorhooi victorhooi is offline
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Default Any way to move already downloaded files out of the "subpackage" directory?


So I've recently found out about the jDownloader "subpackage" feature.


It seems by default, jDownloader creates a subdirectory for each downloaded file.

In my case, each download is just a media file, so it would actually be better if they were just put directly in the target directory.

I've now changed it in Settings, to disable the "Create subfolder by package" rule, so that new downloads are put directly under the target directory.

However, I have two questions.

1. Now, in my LinkGrabber list, the name for each new download is just "Various files". Do you know if this is intended behaviour? (It's fine if it is, it just wasn't clear what "Various files" meant here).
2. Is there any way at all to automatically move, or bulk-move the previous downloads out of their sub-package directory, so that they're directly under the target directory? I would like to do this via jDownloader if possible, so that jDownloader is aware where the new files are moved to. That way, for example, right clicking on a file, and "Open download directory" would still work, and I wouldn't get a bunch of broken links/references in jDownloader. Is this possible at all?

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Old 01.06.2023, 12:18
pspzockerscene's Avatar
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1. The "Various" package is intended for files which JD detects as "single loose files".
You can disable it or chanbge the behavior.
Enable/disable: Settings -> General -> Group single files in a "various package"
Change: Settings -> Advanced Settings -> LinkgrabberSettings.variouspackagelimit

2. No. See reply below.
You will either need a script for this or use an EventScripter script.
Though because this should be a one time operation, I'd use an external script/application if I were you.
Especially if it is about "move single files without subfolders one level up", that task might even be built in in popular explorer alternatives such as "TotalCommander" or you will even find simple scripts on the Internet which will do exactly that.

Either way, here some more information about the EventScripter:
EventScripter forum thread:
EventScripter help article:
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Last edited by pspzockerscene; 01.06.2023 at 12:59.
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Old 01.06.2023, 12:35
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1) single child packages go into various, LinkgrabberSettings.variouspackageenabled and this is the intended behaviour.

2) you can move/select the download path for already finished packages by changing its save path, please note that this will move content on disk. So if you change drive it can be quite slow.

raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer

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Old 15.01.2025, 08:30
jeonje jeonje is offline
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dear team, how does jdownloader2 actually handle file moving from previously downloaded location HDD (A) to new location HDD (B).

- 10 videos were on a package (4 were downloaded already rest were all partially downloaded eg: 50%, 20%)

- Download stopped and interrupted because of NO FREE SPACE LEFT.
(is it safe to stop and resume download for the same file multiple times ?)
(does changing vpn server/location in between running downloads cause problem ?)
( is it SAFE to stop running downloads then change vpn location then RESUME again ?)

- I then changed the download location of the package, immediately the app showed the file moving progress bar to new location, accidentally renamed the original folder name on the location HDD (A), because of that the JD2 file moving operation progress bar disappeared and there was no popup or warning note.

- now when I check both the location I see out of 10 files 2 are missing, the file moving operation started by JD2 was interrupted because of older folder renaming, could this have caused the 2 files to be missing.

Last edited by jeonje; 15.01.2025 at 08:35. Reason: correction
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Old 15.01.2025, 10:39
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Jiaz Jiaz is offline
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Originally Posted by jeonje View Post
- Download stopped and interrupted because of NO FREE SPACE LEFT.
That is very strange because by default JDownloader does not start downloads when there is not enough disk space left for download.
Same goes for extraction, does not start extraction if disk space is not enough.
Or did you mean it stopped correctly/as expected due to not enough disk space?

Originally Posted by jeonje View Post
(is it safe to stop and resume download for the same file multiple times ?)
Yes, JDownloader does support resume of files but that also requires for the host to support this.
This is site specific and thus can't be answered in generic.

Originally Posted by jeonje View Post
(does changing vpn server/location in between running downloads cause problem ?)
( is it SAFE to stop running downloads then change vpn location then RESUME again ?)
This is site specific, as downloads might be bound to IP and hence changing IP will not allow resume
of generated download link and JDownloader has to generate new download link instead.

Originally Posted by jeonje View Post
- I then changed the download location of the package, immediately the app showed the file moving progress bar to new location, accidentally renamed the original folder name on the location HDD (A), because of that the JD2 file moving operation progress bar disappeared and there was no popup or warning note.
What do you mean by "accidentally renamed the original folder name on the location HDD (A)" ? did you interfere with the ongoing moving process?
If so, anything can happen.

Originally Posted by jeonje View Post
- now when I check both the location I see out of 10 files 2 are missing, the file moving operation started by JD2 was interrupted because of older folder renaming, could this have caused the 2 files to be missing.
Yes, see my previous answer of "If so, anything can happen."
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