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Old 01.01.2012, 17:39
Posts: n/a

Réussi la reconnexion (Livebox2 ZTE) en utilisant le script suivant, dans la page Liveheaders/Curl,

        GET / HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        GET /rest/Home?_restDepth=-1&_restAttributes=getObject_parameters HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        GET /rest/Language?_restDepth=-1&_restAttributes=getObject_parameters HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        GET /rest/Home/Services?_restDepth=-1&_restAttributes=getObject_parameters HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        GET /homeAuthentification.html? HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        GET /rest/Home?_restDepth=-1&_restAttributes=getObject_parameters HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        GET /authenticate?username=admin&password=admin HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        GET /advConfigWifi.html HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        GET /rest/Wifi/General/Advanced?_restDepth=-1&_restAttributes=getObject_parameters HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        GET /rest/Wifi/Pairing?_restDepth=-1&_restAttributes=getObject_parameters HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        GET /rest/Wifi/Mac/StatusFiltering?_restDepth=-1&_restAttributes=getObject_parameters HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        GET /rest/Wifi/Mac/Status?_restDepth=-1&_restAttributes=getObject_parameters HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        GET /advConfigAccessType.html HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        GET /rest/Internet/AccessType?_restDepth=-1&_restAttributes=getObject_parameters HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        POST /rest/Internet/AccessType/WANPPPConnection?Enable=0&_restAction=put&_restAttributes=getObject_parameters HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

        POST /rest/Internet/AccessType/WANPPPConnection?Enable=1&_restAction=put&_restAttributes=getObject_parameters HTTP/1.1
        Host: %%%routerip%%%

Old 28.05.2012, 10:40
Posts: n/a

Il eut été peut-être plus opportun d'ouvrir un nouveau fil de discussion pour divulguer ces informations. Ici on discute de sccipt en Python concernant la Livebox 2 de chez Sagem !

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