Ich habe eine Idee, woran es liegen könnte.
Kann es sein, daß, wenn ich zuerst Pause aktiviere, dann aber einen weiteren Download Start für ein Paket erzwinge, dieses Paket ausgenommen ist? |
Ja wenn du DL im Pausemodus erzwingst, brauchst du dich über die Captchas nicht wundern.
Über den ersten wunderte ich mich auch icht. Nur über die weiteren.
Guys why you don't speak in English, so all users (like me) can understand the state of MyJD and what's going on?
![]() |
Please put the fast-config bar back!
Hello, guys! JDownloader is simply awesome, but I really missed that download bar (where you can choose number of connections, download and speed) near the botton of the program on version 2. Please, consider putting it back. Servers have very different settings, some of them allow multiple connections and/or downloads, some others don't. Sometimes I need to limit the download speed because I am watching a HD video. So, that options-bar was very useful for me. That's my feedback for now ![]() JDownloader stable ![]() JDownloader 2 Beta ![]() I agree, I simply don't understand that idiom ![]() Last edited by raztoki; 31.01.2014 at 03:06. Reason: merge another multiple post |
please click edit over creating multiple spanning posts. in response to your images the quick connection is present bottom right hand corner, click the image with crescentXscrewdriver or use the main menu settings. the bottom bar right side is used for activity functions, hoster/decrypter (you can cancel actions with right click). The rest of the bar (left to right) is been used for account icons, which provides overview when you click or mouse over. These design changes have taken place to allow for enough space for each feature. Some people are still using older resolution formats (eg. 800x600) and it's impractical to have everything on the bottom bar.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] Last edited by raztoki; 31.01.2014 at 03:18. |
Is there a chance that my jD can check for a website - automatically every 15 minutes - does a deep scan and imports the links to my downloadlist, and starts the download?
Some things are released at night - american sports i. ex. - so I can watch a game when I wake up ![]() |
Warum wird kein HSTS für HTTPS genutzt und so die User beim Aufruf per HTTP von my.jdownloader in einer ungesicherten Verbindung gelassen?
Siehe: **External links are only visible to Support Staff** **External links are only visible to Support Staff** HSTS = HTTP Strict Transport Security Bitte HSTS hinzufügen / Please add HSTS ! |
Hi there,
is there some kind of an API for MyJDownloader? I'm interested in somehow finding out how many files are downloaded at a specific moment or in other words if jDownloader is active downloading files. When I saw MyJDownloader I was happy to having found those informations on a parseable website, but I think it would be pretty hard to reach these informations for they are (of course) protected by a login. It would also help if I could optain the information somehow out of jDownloader itself. I was observing some .json files for some time but I'm not sure how I would know if there are downloads running. Thanks for your input. -Sam |
Ich würde es klasse finden wenn man über den myjdownloade DLC's exportieren/importieren könnte.
my.jd works off our new API frame work. http://appwork.org/images/JDownloade...cation_(1).pdf (not up to date)
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
When I double click the linkgrabber folder, download is started. Can the same be done to the sub links under the folder? If so, what option in jd2 has to be changed?
![]() Quote:
Not "all users" are able to read or write english, so we won't reach "all users" if we write english. If you want to reach possibly more peopl, write Mandarin ![]() [/offtopic] |
Hello Folks.
It would be nice to get back the simple 'Activate'-Button in the Context-Menue. Once deactivated, it's hard to reactivate DLs again. (only 'Force DL' is available at this time). greetz X |
Hi, like on a local machine, it's any possibility to delete a package with all the partial downloaded files?
I mean, if I use the my.jdownloader to remove one download, all partial and completed part remains on disk, but with the normal jd2 I can chose what delete. J |
Merged myjd threads.
GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Yes! It's really job done....
bei mir läuft der Jdownloader auf einem Windows Home Server 2011. Wie kann ich neue Links beim Browsen über meinen Client PC mittels Click and Load in MyJdownloader einfügen? Weder mit Firefox incl. Addon noch mit Chrom incl. Addon funktioniert das. Gibt es noch andere Möglichkeiten? Danke für eure Hilfe Stefan |
Die Chrome Extension sollte CnL unterstützen.
Besteht das Problem weiterhin? |
Hab den Fehler gefunden. Hatte noch keine Login Daten eingegeben. :(
Jetzt gehts. Wird das auch für Firefox umgesetzt? Bin kein Freund von Chrome Stefan Last edited by Knorki; 08.05.2014 at 19:03. |
Soll auch für FireFox rein, aber gerade nicht für die nahe zukunft auf meinem plan.
Is possible to use the captcha notifier for android to remote control jdownloader 2 from anywhere or only in direct connection in the same network and if it is possible how i can't find?
Thanks in advance. Last edited by kperi; 12.05.2014 at 12:57. |
![]() Quote:
Hallo die Herren,
Leider musste ich feststellen das der Login auf my.jdownloader über https nicht funktioniert. Er bedankt sich für den Logout, aber einloggen geht nicht, die Felder reagieren auf keinen Input wenn ich pw+Name/E-Maail bestätige, er läd dann auch sonst nichts. |
myjd Threads zusammengeführt.
GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
Hi everybody
I encountered 2 things where My.JDownloader needs improvement in my opinion: Currently the password to My.JDownloader is stored as clear text within the MyJDownloaderSettings.json. You should definitly encrypt that password with some user specific key or store it in a password vault. (Windows Credential Manager, Mac Keychain,...) Will there be some sort of My.JDownloader Tray Utility supporting Click'n'Load? Let's assume this scenario: Your JDownloader runs on your server/NAS and is connected to My.JDownloader. On your local desktop machine you have some My.JDownloader Tray Utility running and connected to My.JDownloader too. You click on a Click'n'Load button and the tray will show a popup notifying the user about links being added. After confirming the links get sent to My.JDownloader and the service adds them to your remote JDownloader. The tray utility should have several features like:
Last edited by Enqueue90; 27.05.2014 at 19:10. |
The Tray Utility function you described can currently kind off be achieved by using the Chrome Extension, which already intercepts Click and Load calls.
The Firefox Addon is currently still missing this feature. We do not have a tray feature like you described in our immediate plans, but I think the basic ideas is great. We will not hinder someone else from trying this out ![]() |
https wird noch nicht supportet
Strange bug:
My default download dir for JD2 is N:\ When I add link from my.jdownloader.org download path shows as N:\ but download fails, when I open JD2 client to check why I see download path as N:\N: Can anyone confirm or deny this? |
I have the same problem if I just select my C:\ drive without a folder.
We will look into it. For now just try to download into "N:\Downloads" |
I am running the JD extension in in Firefox. Every time I open Firefox, I have to log in and set the 'Desktop Captcha Notifications'. (FF cleans the cache, history and all cookies on exit) Can you guys make the login for the FF extension automatic? My other extensions, such as 'Pocket' work like that. Thanks. |
Are you sure you are using the firefox addon? Desktop Captcha Notifications are currently only available in Chrome
![]() The Extension relies on localstorage to continue your logged in session. Is this cleared as well everytime you close Chrome? |
I do not use Chrome, it is not even installed on my system. See what message I get:
Last edited by PeterTramp; 08.07.2014 at 22:35. |
Ah ok now I see, what you mean.
The my.jdownloader.org website also relies on localstorage to store your settings and login. If you clear this for every browser session, you unfortunately have to login and allow notifications every time. ![]() Last edited by Lram32; 29.07.2014 at 04:17. Reason: typos |
Ich habe am Mac Probleme mit my.jdownloader. Nachdem ersten aktivieren bekomme ich von der Firewall die Meldung ob eingehende Verbindungen vom Jdownloader zugelassen werden sollen. Da habe ich auf zulassen geklickt danach funktioniert auch alles. Nur bei jedem Neustart von jd kommt die Meldung wieder. Unter windows habe ich dieses Problem nicht.
Meine Version ist Mac OS X 10.9.4 Bei meinem Windows pc mit Windows Home Server habe ich ein Problem mit dem Speicherpfad. Dieses Problem hatte schon ein anderer User. Der speicherort der Downloads sollte eigentlich "//Servername/Ordner1/Ordner2" sein aber über my.jd hinzugefügte links werden unter "//Servername/Ordner1/Ordner2/Servername/Ordner1/Ordner2" gespeichert. Davon abgesehen gefällt mir die Webseite sehr gut. Last edited by joehan12; 12.07.2014 at 12:50. |
I cannot register to my.jdownloader.
I started the registration, received the mail, opened the "Finish Registration Now", wrote the password, but then when I clicked on the "Confirm" button nothing happened. What am I missing? |
I'm getting the same problem.
I get all the way to "set password" but when I click on confirm nothing happens. |
I uploaded a new version yesterday, that contains a bug, that caused this.
Should be fixed now, you can use the confirmation link you already received ![]() |
Hi devs.
I've been using My.JDownloader since a while and encountered some usage-problems with it. I'm not aware of your roadmap or existing tickets but I thought I might just tell you my thoughts. ![]() [Feature Request] Package / Download Settings Once a download or package is added to the Link Collector or Download list, you cannot edit it's settings anymore. Please add a settings panel or popup window which allows editing the item-settings like it's possible in JD2. [Feature Request] Merge Downloads into new Package In some cases the Link Collector does some painful package creation. For instance when downloading full season of a tv-series (like Animes) it might group them into single packages per episode. But usually you want all episodes in one package and download folder. The only workaround is to select each single package, open the context menu and change the name. The JD2 UI has some nice feature where you can merge multiple packages into a new one. I'd like to see this feature in MyJD too. [Improvement] Use WebSockets for Communication Currently you are using some sort of HTTP-Polling Mechanism for Refreshing the UI. You should definitly start using WebSockets for it. This way the JDownloader can push new data to the Browser when required. There are a lot of benefits using WebSockets like less latency, less data overhead and less cpu usage. I encountered several performance problems on my NAS wen using the auto-refresh feature. [Improvement] Windows like item selection I think the last update brought some improvements according to the download/package selection. It was quite buggy when selecting ranges (holding shift). But still the range selection is a bit buggy. I created a small jsfiddle for you which implements the same selection behavior like in Windows Explorer. Maybe you want to use this **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** [Feature Request] Trigger Extraction The last thing on my list is the missing 'Trigger Extraction' or 'Extract Now' of a download item. As already told: I'm using JD on my NAS and it's quite painful to manually extract the archives using SSH or the the NAS-WebInterface. The functionality of MyJD is simply awesome, it only lacks of the feature-richness the main JD GUI has. Especially the Link Collector and Package Management is quite straight-forward in the current stage. I'm looking forward to new MyJD features ![]() |
Ok, now confirmation link works, but then I cannot login: when I click on Sign in nothing happens (tried with different browswers)
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