Hello! Long time no see! Hope everyone is well and healthy!
Here's the issue... Right now i don't have premium credentials, but i still have the old linkcollector.zip container. I loaded them and attempted to download a couple but i am receiving the message "Skipped - Account is missing". 02.02.21 16.59.21 02.02.21 17.20.03 jdlog://7439625302851/ Now, the problem is that this didn't used to happen. The aforementioned links are under pornhubpremium, but the viewkey is always the same for both. The aforementioned links are regular Pornhub, but i can't download because they are under pornhubpremium and this was never an issue with the old plugin config's. If i copy the URL and paste on my browser all i have to do is remove the "premium" and voila. Wouldn't it be possible to revert to the old settings? Meaning, if i have an associated valid account for premium, it will use that, but if it doesn't then it will simply bypass the necessity for a premium account and be able to read all Pornhub links under Pornhubpremium. I can even see the online status which says it's online. If this is not possible then i will need a premium account to read pornhub links under the pornhubpremium url, which is just unreasonable. What happens when someone's credentials expire? All the links become obsolete. BR Last edited by Beer; 04.02.2021 at 23:30. |
please send your linkcollector.zip to support@jdownloader.org so we can check this. -psp- EDIT I've also created a ticket:
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download Last edited by pspzockerscene; 02.02.2021 at 18:37. |
Done! I'm giving Pornhub a chance, since quality seems to have slightly improved back to normal. Should have premium soon, but until then... and afterwards when it expires, of course. Most links i will be interested in are regular pornhub.
Premium are basically some, most or all of the videos of the paid section from each amateur/ couple model(s), and the premium clips from the channels. So it would be very bad if a person adding regular links from the pornhubpremium url couldn't then make use of them once their subscription expired. If you are on premium, you access from Pornhubpremium.com, with the option to access from Pornhub.com (unable to view or access premium content or interface). |
We already understood the issue.
According to Jiaz, nur alle URLs are interchangable (anymore) which makes this even harder to implement. The old version of PH plugins which were mainly coded by me simply changed the URLs depending on whether the user had a premium account or not (even then, I did not have a fallback handling in place for whenever the users' premium expired). The problem is also: What to do if premium expires? Fallback to the BEST available free variant? --> And or try to get the same quality in free mode first (only sometimes possible)? What if a premium account is available again some time after it expired? Always use a fallback into free mode or only if allowed via setting? (Because most users who add URLs in premium mode will want exactly these URLs.) Also use free fallback if user attempts to download premium links in free mode (e.g. account disabled or removed while it was available when user has initially added the URLs). So you see: It is not easy. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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It's not so complicated from where i am standing. If the viewkey is always the same for both then its very simple. If there is no account whatsoever associated to the plugin then it will always look for Pornhub.com.
If there is a FREE pornhub account and the URL is Pornhubpremium.com then there is a conflict. Nothing changed here, it's the same as it was before. If there is no account, then simply make plugin always read pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey= instead of pornhubpremiumcom/view_video.php?viewkey=, regardless of whether the URL is premium or not. Shouldn't this be possible? Now i see only one Plugin. Is this the reason why it's different? Why not go back to two plugin's? P.S: That file i gave you contains a shit ton of unlisted videos (material only accessible via link). So, i will use the Pornhub links Oct 14, 2019 - Nov 1, 2019 until this is fixed. Currently checking online status for all of them. That file i gave you contains 70000 links, all valid as of July 2020 (i did a massive online check at the time, 10000 invalid out of 80000). I suppose most are down by now, but like i said, contains a tremendous amount of unlisted ones. Honestly i don't know if it's worth going back. The size is still the same after the alterations. This is the quality users experienced in between late March and April 2020. Some videos are worth collecting, but for the users who knew what the quality was like, and the size (2x to 3x smaller), then it still causes a great deal of confusion. The upside is that now there are rough dates in the description, which helps old users like me. You could only find dates in the stream section, and that took some work. I could focus only on clips released in the past 8 months. But... I like collecting massive quantities (up to 1000 per day, manually), and then simply download a certain amount for daily use without taking effort or time to select them. Could be by size (largest), model, or keyword. I always did this by size (largest), while filling the stash with the smaller ones (for maximum profit, considering my very limited storage space). Which was a mistake because the best stuff was somewhere in the middle. The alterations came by late March 2020 and the stuff kind of became obsolete to me. I suppose it's nostalgia hitting me... Wishing everything could be the way it was. Last edited by Beer; 03.02.2021 at 01:55. |
Jiaz has answered your request in your support ticket.
Regarding the interchangability of the video IDs/domains: I know. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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I saw it, and i will await patiently! Thank you kindly!
![]() |
I replaced all "Pornhubpremium" by "Pornhub" on my plain text backup. Couldn't i do the same with JD2? I only see the option to replace terms in the titles, but not URL's, and this could be a very useful feature. To replace invalid domains, for example. I'm guessing it must be more complicated than that, but could it?
Please wait for an answer of Jiaz.
You cannot just replace the URLs because after the initial crawl process, each individual item/quality has special properties set to it so our plugin knows how to handle that. You cannot replace these with the results that you'd have when adding them without account. Here are your options: - Wait for a response/implementation of Jiaz or: - Delete all items and re-add them without account -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Yes, i thought as much. It was just a dumb idea. No hurries. I don't take anything for granted. You guys are really cool for looking into it. Million thanks!
Force download start is not working on videos that blocked for my country even after I change ip with VPN. I must restart JD - only after this it's start downloading.
Core 44775 |
In the case of pornhub, videos are first processed by a crawler plugin.
If that fails for whatever reason you will have to re-add these URLs to let JD properly parse those. This is probably what you have experienced or were you able to start downloading without having to re-add those URLs after enabling your VPN and restarting JD? In any case: Please post your log-ID here | bitte poste deine Log-ID hier. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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![]() Quote:
https://i.imgur.com/dHb55D6.png After connecting to VPN and press "start download" or "check online status" I got this: https://i.imgur.com/jBPowCq.png Videos can be downloaded only after I re-add them. Now when I add videos that blocked in my country while connected to VPN, but then I disconnect from VPN and press "start download" I got this: https://i.imgur.com/9iZLHDz.png And this error is staying even after I connect back to VPN. Also I noticed now that all videos is start getting this error, even non-blocked in my country. Even after re-adding them. Only JD restart is helps. 03.08.21 17.19.46 <--> 03.08.21 17.11.55 jdlog://4985825302851/ |
The first behavior is fine:
Such offline entries will need to be re-added as explained in my last post. The 2nd behavior is wrong and I've fixed it so a restart won't be needed anymore after the next update. Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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@Neurotoxin001: JDownloader doesn't *know* about the changed external IP when you don't trigger change via JDownloader reconnect method. Very old issue. Pleae check if you can trigger IP change of your VPN via batch/commandline/api?
JD-Dev & Server-Admin Last edited by Jiaz; 03.08.2021 at 18:39. |
@Neurotoxin001: wait for next plugin update, then leave geo blocked entries in linkgrabber until you have working IP, then you can rightclick reprocess them. In short: only move entries from linkgrabber to downloadlist when they are fully processed
JD-Dev & Server-Admin Last edited by Jiaz; 03.08.2021 at 18:55. |
![]() Quote:
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
@Neurotoxin001 with latest update you should leave geo blocked link in linkgrabber and later can retry them via rightclick context menu once IP changed.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
I'll decline this for now.
If you want us to work on this edge case, please send us working pornhubpremium.com URLs to support@jdownloader.org. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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I have a question there, it's not a problem, it's a beauty function. Until a few days ago, the filename was "name_accname_.blabla" from a video, that has apparently been changed and is now only "name.blabla" can I set it somewhere so that it is back to how it used to be?
indeed I've mistakenly changed this. It will be fixed via the next update. Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Probably not fixed, check please.
Wartest du auf einen angekündigten Bugfix oder ein neues Feature? Updates werden nicht immer sofort bereitgestellt! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! --- Are you waiting for recently announced changes to get released? Updates to not necessarily get released immediately! Bitte lies unser Update FAQ! | Please read our Update FAQ! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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After yesterday's update, it is wrong / reversed for me. Now the acc name is in front of the title of the video. e.g. "accname_vieoname.mp4". |
@Kudo88: will be fixed with next update, thanks for the hint
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
If you ask me that's the better default way but I guess we had the other order for a long time so you guys are used to it.
Sorry for the trouble! -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Then as a suggestion for improvement, why can the user not choose himself, at which point or whether at all, the acc name should be entered
;) |
![]() Quote:
![]() See Packagizer rules and regarding pornhub specific plugin properties, see this thread. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Why don't you say that right away, I would have got the
<jd:orgpackagename>_<jd:prop:username> completely :D no, I still have to fine-tune the resolution and the file extension is missing. Last edited by Kudo88; 25.08.2021 at 19:40. |
I'm sorry but I don't really underatand your most recent post.
My linked article e.g. describes how to get the file-extension. You can get the quality identifier via property "quality". It will return e.g. "240" for "240p". I've updated my post in this thread and added the property "quality" to it. -psp-
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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I'sorry, my enlgish is terrible, i speak German.
Thanks, I've seen that in the meantime and I've already set it up, now it's back to how it used to be, thanks for your help. |
Du kannst mit uns gerne auch auf Deutsch schreiben
![]() Freut mich, dass du es hinbekommen hast! Die standard pornhub Dateinamen werden mit dem nächsten Update wie gesagt angepasst also so geändert wie sie zuvor waren, aber wenn du nun eine Paketverwalter Regel verwendest passt das und für dich wird sich nichts ändern. Grüße, psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Ich hatte das Thema im Englishsprachigen Forumsteil gefunden, da wollte ich nicht gegen die regeln verstossen und hab es lieber, per google übersetzter, gepostet.
Die regel ist schnell wieder aus geschaltet, die hebe ich mir dann als backup auf ![]() |
![]() Quote:
![]() Solange nicht gespammt wird, sehen wir das hier nicht so eng. Ich wünsche einen schönen Feierabend ![]() Grüße, psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Ich müsste das thema noch mal hoch hollen, ich hab momentan probleme beim Download, seid mehreren tage kommt die fehler Meldung, plugin veraltet und dann läuft ein 60min timer ab.
11.12.21 08.50.11 <--> 11.12.21 08.54.14 jdlog://6481925302851/ |
es scheint als würde beim Login etwas mit dem 2FA Login (SMS Verifikation) schiefgehen. Probiere mal folgendes: - Deaktiviere den 2FA Login in deinem Pornhub Account und versuche es erneut - Lösche deinen pornhub Account in JD und trage ihn erneut ein - Falls du ohnehin nur kostenlose Inhalte von pornhub herunterladen möchtest, benötigst du auch keinen Account in JD Falls du das Problem zuverlässig nachstellen kannst, teile uns bitte mit, wie. Grüße, psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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2fa? das habe ich gar nicht an...
ich hab den acc drin, weil ich dann sehen kann, was ich schon runtergeladen habe, auf der seite steht dann "gesehen" dabei. löschen und hinzufügen hat nichts geändert. 11.12.21 15.55.17 <--> 11.12.21 15.57.08 jdlog://8581925302851/ Last edited by Kudo88; 11.12.2021 at 17:01. |
Du hast recht es ist kein 2FA aktiviert mein Fehler.
In deinem letzten Log sehe ich: Code:
HTTP/1.0 429 Too Many Requests Versuche es am besten später nochmal. Ich kann dein Problem mit meinem Test-Account nicht nachstellen daher benötige ich zum Testen/Fixen deine Zugangsdaten. Unser Support ist am Montag wieder da bitte schicke deine Zugangsdaten an support@jdownloader.org. Grüße, psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Kein ding, hätte ja seihen können, das 2fa zwangs aktiviert worden ist und ich es nicht mit bekommen habe, weil ich im browser noch ein gelogt bin.
"Too Many Requests"? hmm ich hab vorhin mal alle sessions beendet und dann versucht mich im jdownloader, nach meinem browser, auf der seite sind 5 sessions eingetragen, die zeiten passen definitiv zur der zeit, wo ich den jd2 offen hatte, wechsle aber trozdem mal das passwort. die unterste ist mein browser. |
Das "too many requests" Problem hat nicht direkt was mit dem anderen zu tun.
Das kann schon mal passieren, wenn es zu Fehlern kommt und du z.B. 100 Links in JD mehrfach neu probieren lässt dann triggerst du bei pornhub ggf. Schutzmechanismen, die dich erst nach X Zeit neu probieren lassen. In JD siehst du das natürlich nur, wenn das Plugin das entsprechend erkennt und dir eine lesbare Fehlermeldung zeigt. Grüße, psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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