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Old 08.10.2009, 19:17
Posts: n/a
Default Feature Request: Auto-close after finishing...

If you have multiple downloads from different hosts, you run the high chance of interrupting a download and having to go in later and right-clicking the file to reset it.

My request is to see if there is a way to stop downloading after completion of the currently downloading files and choose either: 1. close JDownloader only, or, 2. close JDownloader and shutdown the computer.

This feature means the existing file download isn't interrupted and you get half a 500MB download and have to restart it from scratch next time you're ready to load JDownloader. I ask because I run JDownloader all day at work, then pack up my laptop and go home or to another job where I can reopen JDownloader. I don't imagine it's as big an issue for a desktop user since they leave their computer in place and can always be connected, but laptop users need to up and leave with their computer, and wireless modems have monthly bandwidth limits, so it isn't feasible to always be connected.

I am very pleased with all the existing features and they're only getting better! Thank you so much for providing this timesaving program.

Last edited by Jiaz; 08.10.2009 at 21:15.
Old 08.10.2009, 21:15
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you can
1.) set stopsign with reightclick on the file (this will lead jd to not start another download if the selected file is loading or finished)
this will cause jd to stop downloading after the file is finished

and to combine with jdshutdown
2.) if you also enable and activate jdshutdown, jd will shutdown pc after download stops (all finished or by stopsign)

i think thats what you are talking about?

3.) when eventmanager is finished you can setup actions to do after download has stopped
you also see on host column if the hoster supports resume or not, just as info
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
Old 25.10.2009, 02:42
Posts: n/a

So you can have JD shutdown after one individual file is complete by using the stopsign? How about the ability to shutdown after one package is complete?
Old 25.10.2009, 03:37
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Jiaz Jiaz is offline
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then set stopsign to package
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
Old 25.10.2009, 03:51
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