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Old 04.05.2022, 20:14
bobross bobross is offline
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Default Packagizer does not extract properly but Archive extractor does


For some time now, I use jdownloader to download indie ren'py games. For the most part it works when I use the Archive Extractor plugin which extracts everything properly in my /games dir. For example see below:

#dir tree example for a renpy game
   |-.exe (32 + 64 bit)
The problem becomes when I try to download anything else that is zipped. It is not ideal to extract videos and files in my games folder where it does not belong.

Init settings for Auto extractor are:
* Enabled
* Auto Extract archives after download
* Destination folder: /games
* rest default

At first I started to create a seperate rule for videos where it move auto extract and then move them to a desired location. Which only extract them into the my games folder and then does not move them at all.

So I tried the following:
1. Disable plugin Archive Extractor --> does not extract anything (duh)
2. Disable auto extract after download --> Some files are there but not all are kept, .sh, .exe and .py are missing for example.
2a. I read something about deep extracting and blacklisting preventing them from being extracted but I have disabled that by commenting them out like so in advanced settings:
 "##Lines with XX are comments",
 "##Skip deep extraction of archives that contain binary files",
Still the same result
3. Disable Destination folder --> Renpy games do not extract properly as the extracted folder only contains arbitrary python files. No folders, no executables.

Not quite sure where the issue is, so any help would be appreciated!

I have attached my packagizer rules in the txt file and I have uploaded a sample here **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
Attached Files
File Type: txt packagizer.txt (16.7 KB, 3 views)
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Old 05.05.2022, 09:56
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Originally Posted by bobross View Post
At first I started to create a seperate rule for videos where it move auto extract and then move them to a desired location. Which only extract them into the my games folder and then does not move them at all.
That is a possible Packagizer bug but I failed to find the related tickets/threads at this moment.

Your rules look fine but I don't understand what exactly is your problem:
- Not all files get extracted?
- Files which you do not want to get extracted get extracted anyways?

Please keep in mind that Packagizer rules are only applied to items added after creating those rules and not for existing items in your downloadlist.
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Old 05.05.2022, 13:42
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Just to name some settings, Settings->Advanced Settings
Extraction.blacklistpatterns -> list of pattern, do NOT extract
Extraction.deepextractionblacklistpatterns -> list of pattern, do NOT deep extract inner archive if there is a match

just to make sure that I understand correct, you want to have different *extract to* folders depending on the *content*, right?
so games you want to extract go, eg /games and videos to /videos?

Originally Posted by bobross View Post
The problem becomes when I try to download anything else that is zipped. It is not ideal to extract videos and files in my games folder where it does not belong.
Can you tell from source/filename if it contains content type A or B?
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Last edited by Jiaz; 05.05.2022 at 13:46.
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Old 05.05.2022, 13:57
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Please know that in case of *move to/rename* the condition is checked against the extracted file, so the extracted files must have XY in it, not the archive file!

instead of use the *move to* feature, why not simply use different download directories and let JDownloader extract into subfolder?
that way you customize the download folder per type/content and then JDownloader will extract archives into a subfolder in this custom downloadfolder
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Old 06.05.2022, 00:06
bobross bobross is offline
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Ok maybe it's simpler if I say first what I want.

What I want is that through some method that I can download my videos and my games into their respective directory /games and /videos. I want JD to do the sorting for me which could be via packagizer.

That is a possible Packagizer bug but I failed to find the related tickets/threads at this moment.

Your rules look fine but I don't understand what exactly is your problem:
- Not all files get extracted?
- Files which you do not want to get extracted get extracted anyways?

Please keep in mind that Packagizer rules are only applied to items added after creating those rules and not for existing items in your downloadlist.
- All files get extracted
- I don't really have files that I dont want extracted

So what happens is, is that if I leave my "Auto extract after download" setting checked every downloaded archive extracts to my /games folder. But I also download videos which are zips sometimes but they get extracted in /games.

That is not ideal and I thought packagizer could do this for me. So if I disabled the "Auto extract after download" and "Destination folder" setting and give packagizer to option to move the files after extraction everything should be good right?

(Issue is here)
But in actuality what happens is that for my games now, I have 2 folders for the same archive. 1 in /downloads which has most of the original contents and 2 in /games which has abitrary python files.

just to make sure that I understand correct, you want to have different *extract to* folders depending on the *content*, right?
so games you want to extract go, eg /games and videos to /videos?

Originally Posted by bobross View Post
The problem becomes when I try to download anything else that is zipped. It is not ideal to extract videos and files in my games folder where it does not belong.
Can you tell from source/filename if it contains content type A or B?
Yes that's basically what I want. In theory, for the most part I can tell from either the filename or the source/hoster where the content should go.

Please know that in case of *move to/rename* the condition is checked against the extracted file, so the extracted files must have XY in it, not the archive file!
So I can't check against the archive name? I am not quite sure what you mean by this...

instead of use the *move to* feature, why not simply use different download directories and let JDownloader extract into subfolder?
that way you customize the download folder per type/content and then JDownloader will extract archives into a subfolder in this custom downloadfolder
This seems like a plausable solution but unsure how it would look like in practice. I download mostly via myjd extension which is sent to my own self-hosted docker container....

I really don't really want to decide for each archive in what folder it should go...
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Old 06.05.2022, 13:08
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Originally Posted by bobross View Post
- I don't really have files that I dont want extracted
Okay then you do not need to touch the setting "Don't unpack files matching the following regular expressions".

Originally Posted by bobross View Post
That is not ideal and I thought packagizer could do this for me. So if I disabled the "Auto extract after download" and "Destination folder" setting and give packagizer to option to move the files after extraction everything should be good right?
Yes I can follow and this attempt is not a bad one.
Still I think it would be much easier to use those rules to download your files in the correct location right away and extract them there or are there any good reasons against doing this?

Originally Posted by bobross View Post
So I can't check against the archive name? I am not quite sure what you mean by this...
Again you seem to have mis-understood that functionality.
It is there to define patterns of files inside archives that you do not want to have extracted.

Originally Posted by bobross View Post
This seems like a plausable solution but unsure how it would look like in practice.
Just change your Packagizer rules:
- Disable the "move to" checkbox
- Instead, use "...then set"... "Download Directory" --> And there just define the directory to download those files. They will be extracted here too.

Originally Posted by bobross View Post
I download mostly via myjd extension which is sent to my own self-hosted docker container....
So this docker container is running a headless JD or a JD with GUI?
In case it is headless:
As you can see we do not provide a nice GUI for the Packagizer feature in the headless version via myjdownloader but our Packagizer article shows what you can do to adjust your (Packagizer) settings in a JD with GUI and then use them in a headless JD:
--> Scroll down to "headless"

Originally Posted by bobross View Post
I really don't really want to decide for each archive in what folder it should go...
As long as it is possible to auto-detect your "categories" by the filenames, you should be able to automate this using Packagizer rules.
You could simply e.g. set your default download directory to some "misc" folder so that you know that any files which are not handled by a packagizer rule will end up there for manual sorting

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