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Old 24.10.2009, 17:46
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Lightbulb If your links are grey (disabled) and you don't see how to enable them

It took me quite a while to figure this out, so I thought maybe this could be useful to someone else.

My disk filled up why JDownloader was working, so it aborted all downloads. I made some space, and could restart some downloads after that. But most of the remaining links to downloaded were disabled (greyed out). By right-clicking on them, I got the contextual (popup) menu, with all the options, including "enable" which is what I had to use (I found this answer on the forums somewhere). However, I was seeing only "enable (0)" in the menu and of course it wasn't doing anything.

After a lot of tries, I selected several links, and *bam* the contextual menu changed. So you have typically to select the container (is that the right name?) and all the links you want to enable, then the menu works perfectly.

Sorry if everyone already knew this trick...

Last edited by Jiaz; 24.10.2009 at 19:33.
Old 24.10.2009, 19:32
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Jiaz Jiaz is offline
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i cannot reproduce this. i checked source and cannot find any possible way of the problem you are talking about
please provide screenshots next time this happens for you
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