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Old 30.11.2009, 12:32
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Default Setting MAX DL's to 20 bad?

i have a premium rapidshare account and i'm dl'ing something that is 250 parts and 40gb....right now i have the max dl set to 20...the speedometer at the top is at 600kb/s but my files are only going at like 30-50kbs...if i lower max dl's, will my dl speeds get close to 600kbs? also my files keep losing connection...is this because too many files are going at once?

Last edited by Jiaz; 30.11.2009 at 15:09.
Old 30.11.2009, 14:49
Posts: n/a

Reduce your number of connections (Max.Con.) to 1 or 2. You should also reduce your number of downloads.

A few premium downloads will already max out your bandwidth.
Old 30.11.2009, 15:09
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Originally Posted by wazawski View Post
i have a premium rapidshare account and i'm dl'ing something that is 250 parts and 40gb....right now i have the max dl set to 20...the speedometer at the top is at 600kb/s but my files are only going at like 30-50kbs...if i lower max dl's, will my dl speeds get close to 600kbs? also my files keep losing connection...is this because too many files are going at once?
yes , 600 kb/s -> set max connections to 1-2 and max downloads to 1-2 thats ENOUGH to max out your connection.
20 connection is okay when you have a connection thats able to download with 400mbyte/s(depends on max downloads too) and more.
jd can easily reach 80mbyte/s with 4 connections* 6 downloads.
please reduce the settings then you should no longer have connection issues
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
Old 30.11.2009, 17:47
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when i have 20 dl's going, my speedometer gets up to like 1.2mb/s.....when i only have 1 or 2 going, it never gets higher than 200kbs...do i need to change some settings to get it so that i'm downloading 1 file at 1.2mbs? i've already changed the # of max downloads to 1 and when i do, the highest speed in the speedometer is like 200kbs
Old 30.11.2009, 17:56
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sounds like throttling of your isp or firewall issue.
if you only get high speed with more chunks then its the only way
but 20 is too much
better use 4-6 chunks and 2-4 downloads

is slow speed also in browser?
yes -> isp is throttling
no -> firewall causes the slow speed
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
Old 01.12.2009, 10:54
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Having speed issues ? read this!

Last edited by remi; 26.05.2010 at 11:55. Reason: link changed

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