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Old 26.01.2010, 10:46
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Default filebase.to - plugin out of date.


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Old 26.01.2010, 12:36
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Look here for logging instructions.
Old 26.01.2010, 14:27
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pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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The plugin works perfect for me... (tested free + premium).

GreeZ pspzockerscene
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager

Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download

A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
Originally Posted by Jiaz View Post
Do you have Nero installed?
Old 02.02.2010, 13:33
Posts: n/a

I have the same problem. I hope you can help.

Log: http://jdownloader.org/pastebin/81e2...9095fa6a997eae
Old 02.02.2010, 13:48
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plugin not working thx for helping
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20 2010/2/2 下午 07:45:02 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Start new Download: filebase.to

------------------------ Thread: 179 -----------------------
179 2010/2/2 下午 07:45:02 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Start working on SAMA194.part05.rar
179 2010/2/2 下午 07:45:03 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Plugin outdated
179 2010/2/2 下午 07:45:03 - WARNING [java_downloader] ->
Error occured- latest: ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT
00100000010001000000000000000001 <Statuscode
00000000000000000000000000000001 |TODO
00000000000001000000000000000000 |PLUGIN_IN_PROGRESS
00000000010000000000000000000000 |ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT
00100000000000000000000000000000 |PLUGIN_ACTIVE
StatusText: Connecting...

179 2010/2/2 下午 07:45:03 - WARNING [java_downloader] -> The Plugin for filebase.to seems to be out of date(rev10270). Please inform the Support-team http://jdownloader.org/support.
179 2010/2/2 下午 07:45:03 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> -->**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
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------------------------ Thread: 12 -----------------------
12 2010/2/2 下午 07:45:57 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Scheduler: checking
12 2010/2/2 下午 07:46:57 - FINEST [java_downloader] -> Scheduler: checking

------------------------ Thread: 26 -----------------------
26 2010/2/2 下午 07:47:04 - INFO [java_downloader] -> ByteBufferController: Used: 0 B Free: 500.00 KB

------------------------ Thread: 20 -----------------------
20 2010/2/2 下午 07:47:53 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Start new Download: zshare.net

------------------------ Thread: 180 -----------------------
180 2010/2/2 下午 07:47:53 - INFO [java_downloader] -> Start working on ktv03.part009.rar

Last edited by pspzockerscene; 02.02.2010 at 15:18.
Old 06.02.2010, 11:02
Posts: n/a

I got the message that the plugin is broken (defekt)
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Old 06.02.2010, 23:41
pspzockerscene's Avatar
pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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Fixed, wait for the next update!

GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager

Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download

A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
Originally Posted by Jiaz View Post
Do you have Nero installed?
Old 07.02.2010, 12:39
Posts: n/a

Many thanks. You're a hero!
Old 09.02.2010, 13:21
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Plugin out of Date file Base
Old 09.02.2010, 19:34
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pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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Originally Posted by pspzockerscene View Post
Fixed, wait for the next update!
Can you read it now ??

GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager

Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download

A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
Originally Posted by Jiaz View Post
Do you have Nero installed?
Old 11.02.2010, 17:41
Posts: n/a

thx ^^

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