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Old 07.02.2010, 23:43
Posts: n/a
Default Settings fine-tuning?

Where does JD store its settings (on Windows)?

I'm looking for a way to fine-tune JD preferences, i.e. accessing those, that aren't available in the Settings tab. I'm primarily interested in tweaking some plugins' different wait times on various events.

Thanks in advance.
Old 08.02.2010, 01:46
Posts: n/a

you'll need some java knowledge to do that. If you already know the java language then you will have to download the source code and edit it accordingly.

heres the link to the first developer steps;
Old 08.02.2010, 05:40
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try the config-parameter:
java -jar JDownloader.jar -config

But I'm not sure whether you'll find there what you are searching for.
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Old 08.02.2010, 18:57
Posts: n/a

Thanks, that's what I was looking for. However, I see there basically same preferences I can change using GUI. For example, when server reports "too many users downloading", JD waits for 2 minutes before retry, but the option for it doesn't seem to be there... are options like this one hardcoded then?
Old 09.02.2010, 12:47
Posts: n/a

These wait times are hard coded in the host plug-ins.
Old 10.02.2010, 22:49
Posts: n/a

I've taken a look into the trunk, looks like that wouldn't be too hard to refactor hardcoded constants as class properties, that would be set by constructor to values stored in config... too bad I don't have any Java experience or tools to do that myself :(
Old 11.02.2010, 10:39
Posts: n/a

There certainly are some good java courses on the web. If you have experience with other OO languages, then it should be easy to learn java.

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