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Old 08.02.2010, 04:44
Posts: n/a
Default Jd to download rapidshare links (free acc) from system on lan

i want to know is there any specific settings for rapidshare host.
on lan.since all the systems on lan get same global ip address on internet
so, any one of the system can download and others requested must be waiting.
is there any specific settings such that probability to download for me more than compare to others....
if we change ticket wait time etc..can give me more chance to download from this host..?
plse help me....
thanks in advance..
Old 08.02.2010, 10:25
Posts: n/a

If you're rich you can pay for a premium account. Otherwise you can try using proxy servers.
Old 08.02.2010, 23:20
Posts: n/a

You already have a higher probability by using JD, assuming others don't use it

Otherwise, proxy could be solution, but they're generally slow and unreliable, better proxies are not free, so would make sense to by premium account anyway.

But you can just leave your links in JD for a time and it'll download them, eventually, not too bad for a free option, right?
Old 09.02.2010, 04:56
Posts: n/a

thanks for ur replays...

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