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Old 04.01.2020, 08:46
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Exclamation Tutorials und das Tool selbst


Links zu Youtube sind tot:

- http://jdownloader.org/knowledge/wiki/basics/tutorials

Anleitung und Screenshots sind teils von alten Versionen.

- http://jdownloader.org/de/knowledge/...-view/overview

Die Tutorial Struktur ist schlecht.

Ich glaube die muss sogar komplett überholt werden.

Das Tool:

Sehr umfangreich. und clean !

- Bei "Einstellungen" lieber ein Pulldown einrichten um "noch nicht installiert" und "Erweiterungen" auszublenden
- Deaktivierte Felder verkleinern
- Standardauthentifizierung abkürzen -> "Authentifizierung"
- Drag and Drop für Passwörter? Von KeePass zu JD z.B.


Kann man in dem Ding nicht auch ein Webcrawler einbauen der nach Files sucht?
Like HTTrack oder Web Copy

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Old 04.01.2020, 09:37
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https://support.jdownloader.org/ for current help/support with ticket system.
the old website (homepage) has many different versions present, should been removed years ago. new website http://beta.jdownloader.org/ has been online for years but never rolled out entirely (as in not the default homepage), but you can reach it from support.jdownloader subdomain or my.jdownloader subdomain

not yet installed extensions for memory are below the installed, believe they didn't want a submenu just to install. in the beginning there wasn't many extensions so it did look clean once upon a time =]

deactivated fields as in non checkbox reduces the side panels entry? like the size of advanced setting?

'basic' is the (header) name of the RFC for authentication, guess its carried on from there. You could adjust the translation yourself to change appearance.

not sure about keePass, never used it. but to drag and drop should work far as I can tell. I mean it should be just held in memory by os as selected text, and deposited when dropped.

crawler functions are already present either as dedicated decrypter plugins, or user created in a simpler format in linkcrawler rules. this allows you to create support for example file extensions not supported by directhttp hoster plugin, or decrypter like function to fetch a page, scan it and return results based on your rule.

raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer

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Old 04.01.2020, 18:18
Posts: n/a

thx 4 rly,

not sure why i need that supporter thing to use the tutorials here,
but anyways...there are some tuts outside i can watch..

the side entry should reduce, just because the useablity, dont like scrolling ^^,

keepass droping not work i was trying that. using drop box i a common way to handle complex passwords, i would say its a state of the art tool. only way is copy the pw and insert then. when drag &drop JD dont give me a field to drop in.

iam a beginner and sure need to work a bit with jd, basically i want to use it as a crawler because the crawler tools let me not edit file size.

i just want files with a minimal size and minimal dimension (pictures) to grab. i see that we can import rules...are there a pool with rules? otherwise i will try and error...

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Old 05.01.2020, 01:13
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raztoki raztoki is offline
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You don't need an account to use support system, unless you want to lodge a ticket, the general support articles are all public, just browse the headings until you find what you need. You can also use email to support@jdownloader.org and it uses the same ticket system without need for an account.

scrolling for sure, but non installed extensions are at the bottom anyway. unless you installed all extensions it shouldn't be a problem. I mean on this macbook (small screen) and all base settings to advanced settings are present without the need to scroll, though of course application needs to be maximised.

For KeePass, not sure tbh. I'm able to drag and drop text into the username/password fields from any application in Mac without a problem. Maybe KeePass does something different? Maybe covered on there support mediums?

Not really understanding what you mean by no edit file size. Crawler rules will let you scrape source from websites to find specific content that you want, or return all supported content via deep analyse. From there JD will download content that you tell it.

linkcrawler rules
available features https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=77280
google search to find some examples and use: 'crawler rules site:board.jdownloader.org'
Your still better off knowing where the content is and finding that vs finding all then trying to filter based on filesize or picture dimension.

there are many decrypter plugins for picture sites, you can see the source code from the SVN repository, if you want to use more flexibility on task.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer

Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :]
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