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Old 22.11.2009, 00:17
Posts: n/a
Default Don't watch clipboard for certain sites

hey there,

I'm often browsing sites to download stuff while chatting with people in icq and sending them youtube links. I hate it that jdownloader grabs the youtube link from the clipboard and promps me for the format (mp3, flv etc...). but I also don't want to disable watching clipboard, since I'm still browsing and downloading stuff..
so my feature request: being able to disable watching clipboard for certain hosts like youtube, etc (only adding this feature so it should still be possible to completely disable/enable clipboard watching).

Old 22.11.2009, 00:56
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Comeon, you could have just browsed thgough all jd settings instead of asking.
How it works:
Go to settings->Linkgrabber->There you even see an example;)

GreeZ pspzockerscene
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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
Originally Posted by Jiaz View Post
Do you have Nero installed?
Old 22.11.2009, 11:53
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I guess you're from the female gender ... doing many things at the same time and having no time to discover the tools you're using...

You have two options for disabling hosts like youtube.com :-

1) Add .*?youtube\.com.* filter to "#Ignore host" in Settings -> Basics -> User Interface -> Linkgrabber

2)) Disable the youtube.com plug-in in Settings -> Plugins & Add-ons -> Host. You'll find that host in the first alphabetical list, so, don't scroll to the end.
Old 22.11.2009, 12:58
Posts: n/a

wow thanks, thats nice. sorry for not looking at it myself.. :(

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