Ja das würde man heutzutage sowieso so umsetzen.
Ohne ein Rewrite des kompletten myjd Interface wird sich da aber eh nichts tun, daher möchte ich dir hier keine großen Hoffnungen machen.
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Die Grundlage des Webinterface (GWT) ist schon stark in die Jahre gekommen und die Basis des Projektes ebenfalls. Daher sind für die jetzige Version des Webinterface keine großen Spünge mehr geplant bzw zu erwarten.
da ja eigentlich eine ganze Zeitlang alles problemlos lief und es daher auch keine Updates von Eurer Android-App gab, muss ich heute nun leider doch etwas monieren: Seit kurzem ist es beim "MyJDownloader" v0.9.81 1635350024931 (getestet unter Android 9 und 11 auf verschiedenen POCO F!-Smartphones von Xiaomi mit MIUI-Bedienungsoberfläche) nicht mehr möglich, die eingegebenen Captchas zu bestätigen, da die hierzu erforderliche Schaltfläche im Hochformat-Moduis nicht mehr angezeigt wird (im Querformat funktioniert es nach wie vor)! Ich habe 2 Screenshots angehängt, das Problem triitt u. a. beim Filehoster Turbobit auf.. Wenn Ihr Euch bitte dieses nervigen Problems annehmen würdet, wäre es auch schön, wenn sich jemand bei dieser Gelegenheit noch einmal ein weiteres von mir vor sehr langer Zeit genanntes Problem anschauen könnte: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**... Hochformat - fehlerhaft: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**... Querformat -okay: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**... |
@Mister Floppy
Das Problem ist bekannt und es wird daran gearbeitet. In der zwischenzeit einfach die Captchas im Querformat lösen.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Das hört sich doch schonmal ganz gut an, dass Ihr Euch um die App kümmert. Könntet Ihr Euch denn bitte bei dieser Gelegenheit auch nochmal eine Lösung überlegen für das Problem, dass man in der App nicht mit einem Finger zoomen kann, obwohl das auf demselben Smartphone im Browswer ohne Schwierigkeiten funktioniert? Details siehe hier: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**...
Nein- Die App wird derzeit nicht aktiv weiterentwickelt sondern nur gewartet.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Threads about current reCaptcha myjd Android issues:
English: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=94096 German: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=94124
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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When I reset (Other/Reset) a download which is deactivated, the download automatically changes to activated. I would like this to stay deactivated.
I use this to keep a list of files already downloaded, while being able to bulk delete links to files I don't care to keep track of are downloaded already or not. |
This is not possible.
You might be able to do this either via MyJD API or using an EventScripter script. EventScripter forum thread: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=70525 EventScripter help article: https://support.jdownloader.org/Know...event-scripter
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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I'd like to make two requests: - unskip captcha button: as it is in jdownloader to unskip all packages at once. It's useful as if you're using myjd it's because you're out home and probably not looking your mobile every second so you'll miss a lot of captcha in several packages. It's messy to check and unskip every package. - Voice recognition for text captcha: I'm not sure if Google Voice recognition support spelling letters and numbers and can put them as a text captcha but I'll be useful using myjd on mobile. Thanks |
Merged myjd threads.
@frodo111222 Quote:
However you can manually switch to the reCaptcha voice mode when solving one in your browser/myjd app. Also in case you mean this: No we are not planning to add any more integrated auto solve features for interactive captchas such as "reCaptcha" and "hCaptcha". If you need an automated solution, use JDownloader supported solver services like 9kw.eu.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Hi! The JD web interface is having problem that prevent app to show captchas from the clients.
When a captcha is emmited from a client, my JD doesn't show the notification nor the captcha in the interface, when checking in dev panel, got this: **External links are only visible to Support Staff** Many thanks for checking |
myjdownloader, both using webapp and android app opens a lot of connections and if you have several jdownloaders running gets to kill internet connection. Not sure when it started to happen, I started seeing it yesterday when I updated one of the jdownloaders and got worst when I updated all of them today. Yesterday I saw that jdownloader doesn't start any download. I checked using wifi and 4g with the mobile, both using webapp and app. Also checked using webapp on the same computer. I tried to reboot both mobile and pc. If I change the network on mobile or stop myjdownloader (the app or disconnect myjdownloader in jdownloader) connections get closed soon. Connections stays in "time wait" and never closes. If you refresh webapp or refresh jdownloaders in android app it opens a new bunch of connections that doesn't close. See image attached, I refreshed 3 times the webapp. I got to see more than 350 connections of myjd... Thanks |
Merged myjdownloader related threads.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Hello, i was wondering if it is possible to reset downloaded files by filename, like jd.exe -reset "somerandomname*.*"
so it reset every download that has the filename. |
That is not possible and your question is not related to myjdownloader but to the jdownloader start-parameters / terminal parameters.
You can find a list of possible parameters in our old knowledgebase: https://jdownloader.org/knowledge/wiki/terminal/index
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Is it possible to set up an automatic click on the "I am human" checkbox that appears before the captcha in the android app?
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Why? Usually this checkbox is always in the same place and probably easy to tick once it appears on the screen.
Our myjd android app isn't under active development anymore.
You will have to find a custom solution or configure JD to use a captcha solver like 9kw.eu.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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I have been using jDownloader for a long time. I would like to request a feature for the downloader page to be able to filter for current running downloads. No need to search for running downloads. Thank you.
I put up a picture of where I thought. **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Last edited by Fishy01; 25.01.2024 at 10:08. |
Myjd isn't actively developed anymore so while we take note of your reports and suggestions there is a zero chance that it will be added in the current form of the myjdownloader apps.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download Last edited by pspzockerscene; 25.01.2024 at 12:22. Reason: Fixed typo |
I am sad to hear. Synolog is installed on nas so it's easier for me to access the jdownloader. Thank you.
Out of the blue I am getting "Connection seem to be lost" on the download page of the webview.
In the console I saw this error: Quote:
together with a 500 response from Quote:
Thanks! |
@keksautomat: no changes on our side, all monitoring doing fine. Contact us via support@jdownloader.org so we can try to help you better
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Habe die MyJDownloader App auf einem neuen stationären Androidgerät (A11) installiert.
Leider wird die APP nur im unvollständigem Hochvormat angezeigt und ist so nicht bedienbar. In meinem alten Androidgerät (A7) wird die App vollständig im Breitformat angezeigt. Appversion und Launcher in beiden Geräten indentisch. Was kann das sein? |
@raf : Die App wird das nötige Layout wohl noch nicht unterstützen. Ich kann mir das anschauen, aber nichts versprechen. Derzeit haben wir keinen aktiven App Entwickler, daher kann ein Bugfix/Update auch länger dauern.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Na ja, auf allen anderen Geräten gibts das Problem nicht.
Ich glaub nicht dass das unbedingt ein Fehler der App ist. Auch auf einem Tablet (A9) hat die App Querformat. Aber wie ich jetzt feststelle betrifft das nur die Anmeldung. Ich kann vom PC übers Lan mit scrcpy die Anmeldung ausfüllen und hab dann wie gewohnt die App im Querformat. Könnte an Android TV 11 liegen. |
@raf: Danke der Rückmeldung!
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Is there a setting to automatically click the "Solve captcha" button in My.Jdownloader web?
No but it is possible:
https://support.jdownloader.org/de/k...splay-captchas -> Scroll down to "Auto-Click doesn't work" and read that section.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Can you tell me how to get a captcha image from my.jdownloader.org to pass to a third party captcha solving service? e.g. nopecha.com Are there any examples in python? |
Why go this complicated way?
Just use the captcha solvers that are already supported in JD e.g. 2captcha.com or deathbycaptcha.com. See Settings -> Captchas
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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@Magi: If you wish native support for nopecha.com, then please send logins/api token to support@jdownloader.org and we can check/add it
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Nopecha periodically gives out free tokens.
I wrote to support@jdownloader.org |
Ticket I do not see us working on this any time soon.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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How does the function Namespace /captcha getParameter: 1 Parameter 1 - id (long) Description Returns Captcha Image as Base64 encoded data url Call /captcha/get?id Need to pass captcha to a 3rd party script to solve and send the result. Are there any examples in python? |
You still didn't answer my question:
https://board.jdownloader.org/showpo...postcount=1273 -> Why so complicated if you could just use one of the JD built in captcha solver services?
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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Mostly because they're paid for.
So the service you try to use is free?
Which one is it? Also, one service which we support can also be used free: 9kw.eu You can solve captchas for others -> Collect points, then let other users solve your captchas.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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