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Old 22.11.2021, 12:22
handaehan handaehan is offline
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Angry Wind3 HUB - ZYXEL DX5401-B0 Reconnection issues


I have recently installed this modem / router that I am paying in the phone bill for the FTTH fiber of the WindTre operator:

Model Name: DX5401-B0
Manufacturer: ZYXEL Communications Corporation
Firmware version: V5.17 (ABXA.0) b3_20210104

1) I tried the reconnect wizard, but it didn't find any working scripts;
2) I tried to search for information on the forum, but I could not find anything;
3) I tried to create a new script, even in RAW mode, but it doesn't work.

I can reconnect easily from UI in the browser. My IP changes.
Every time I try to record a reconnection script it says it was successful, but the script does not work.

1) I sent to the support team member Jiaz the recorded reconnection script and I was told that the issue is caused by UserLogin as it seems to use encryption and random keys for login;

2) as suggested I enabled the UPNP in the router, I switched to UPNP reconnect plugin in Jdownloader and there I tried auto setup, but i get the error message "no method to use reconnection for UPNP reconnection. Try using Live Header reconnect!";

3)I tried upnp auto setup again, create log and send the logID to support team member Jiaz and I was told that looks like something is failing as router answers with error, maybe some upnp error in JDownloader.

4) I asked for assistance for further tests (upnp reconnect tools, smart power outlets, remote assistance via teamviewer session), but I have not received any more answers.

Now, I am paying dearly for this damn router in my bill and I wouldn't want to be forced to buy another one, so I kindly ask for help in solving this automatic reconnection problem in Jdownloader.

I thank you in advance for your understanding and kindness and I greet you waiting for your kind reply.

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Old 23.11.2021, 00:35
pspzockerscene's Avatar
pspzockerscene pspzockerscene is offline
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I will only provide a very superficial answer here because there are thousands of router models out there - we can't provide specific scripts for all of them thus we rely on the community.

If you're not a programmer, auto-reconnection can be hard or even next to impossible for some routers.
Things you could do as a last resort/workaround are:

- Use an AHK script to reconnect your router via your browser without the need to dig in the technical side of your routers' login: autohotkey.com

- Get a cheap smart socket which is usable via simple http commands, then you can remotely turn off/on your router which will also get you a new IP (sidenote: doing that a lot of time may damage your router!)

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A users' JD crashes and the first thing to ask is:
Originally Posted by Jiaz View Post
Do you have Nero installed?
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