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Old 30.05.2012, 03:32
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Default having trouble with safelinking

Im having trouble with safe linking. At the bottom of jdownloader, it says decrypt-safelinking-------. But it doesn't add it to the list. Any suggestions?

Last edited by Jiaz; 30.05.2012 at 10:08.
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Old 30.05.2012, 05:28
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Please provide the troubled links and upload the log.
FAQ: How to upload a Log
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Old 30.05.2012, 05:38
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links please and logfile
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer

Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :]
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Old 01.06.2012, 07:24
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i'm also having the same problem, but instead mines says " Decrypting out of date: Safelinking.net"

here's the log:

44 5/31/12 11:20:51 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
44 5/31/12 11:20:51 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
44 5/31/12 11:20:56 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
44 5/31/12 11:20:56 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
44 5/31/12 11:20:56 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date for link: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**
44 5/31/12 11:20:56 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: jd.plugins.decrypter.SflnkgNt@18da288
44 5/31/12 11:20:56 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: 16633

please assist. I've been getting a lot of these.

I'm sorry, I am extrememly new to this troubleshooting for jdownloader, but how exactly do I check browser if link it working or not? what website do i go to and what do i do when i get to the website.

Don't mean to be such a noob. Thanks for your help guys

Last edited by tony2long; 01.06.2012 at 09:21. Reason: Merge posts, please use edit.
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Old 01.06.2012, 09:19
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tony2long tony2long is offline
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Seems that you are having a connection problem, usually it's an antivirus / firewall issue.
To check it with browser, just follow the link and do as it tells you to do.
FAQ: How to upload a Log
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Old 01.06.2012, 16:25
Posts: n/a

having issues aswell..

my rs.com safelink download logs are the following
------------------------  Thread: 17  -----------------------
17 1/06/12 11:07:57 PM - INFO [java_downloader] -> Detected captcha type "solvemedia" for this host.
17 1/06/12 11:07:59 PM - INFO [java_downloader] -> There is no JAC method for the service safelinking.net
17 1/06/12 11:08:20 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:08:20 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:08:23 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:08:23 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:08:26 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:08:26 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:08:29 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:08:29 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:08:33 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:08:33 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:08:39 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:08:39 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:08:47 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:08:47 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:08:54 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:08:54 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:08:55 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:08:55 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:08:56 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:08:56 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:09:04 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:09:04 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:09:06 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:09:06 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:09:14 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:09:14 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:09:21 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:09:21 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:09:28 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:09:28 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:09:34 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:09:34 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:09:39 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:09:39 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:09:44 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Sever issues? continuing...
17 1/06/12 11:09:44 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> SafeLinking: Please confirm via browser, and report any bugs to developement team. :**External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:09:44 PM - WARNING [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date for link: **External links are only visible to Support Staff**17 1/06/12 11:09:44 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: jd.plugins.decrypter.SflnkgNt@bb21ab
17 1/06/12 11:09:44 PM - SEVERE [java_downloader] -> Decrypter out of date: 16633
If i goto firefox all the links start downloading fine in firefox's download manager.

EDIT - Also no antivirus or firewall on this pc and my routers firewall is turned off.

2nd EDIT - So it has something to do with Version 0.9581 of Jdownloader.. I just installed the latest nightly build of Jdownloader V2 and its decrypting and adding my safelinks fine.

Last edited by Sp4nKy; 01.06.2012 at 17:06.
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Old 01.06.2012, 17:05
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.bismarck .bismarck is offline
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fixed. Wait for next update!

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