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Old 16.02.2011, 16:00
Posts: n/a
Exclamation automate resetting IP using proxy servers

I've read a few of your threads on resetting, but those I read suggested restarting(through scripts) the router to get a new IP

I tried getting a new IP address using proxy server method, what I did was:


Using IP hider (**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff**) I just got myself a different IP(apparent)(no routers restart required) now since due to changing the proxy server on this sostware, my IP that the network would detect got changed, thus I was able to simultaneously download multiple items from the same file sharing site(s) like rapidshare, uploading, etc without the highly annoying 1/2 more hour delay which the free user has to suffer


the process above mentioned is very manual like whenever there was a need to circumvent the delay for free users on file sharing sites, I had to change the proxy server in the IP HIDER and then start the download on JDownloader

COULD SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME A WAY to AUTOMATE THE RECONNECT PROCESS USING PROXY SERVER METHOD (because I found the proxy server method better than restarting the router every time)

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