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Old 08.12.2009, 08:15
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Default how to merge packages

Can you help with step by step procedure on how to merge links (extra mirror, all parts) from two package in the following cases:
1. links have slightly different links names
2. links have slightly different files names
3. links have different "parts" notations (like partx, ptx )

Sizes are the same

thank you

Last edited by Jiaz; 08.12.2009 at 15:30.
Old 08.12.2009, 10:39
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This will hopefully be handled by the customer (indication of mirror links) and jD using the mirror controller feature.

See Feature #48 - Extended downloadcontrol for multihost downloads
Old 08.12.2009, 15:30
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Originally Posted by rafi View Post
Can you help with step by step procedure on how to merge links (extra mirror, all parts) from two package in the following cases:
1. links have slightly different links names
2. links have slightly different files names
3. links have different "parts" notations (like partx, ptx )

Sizes are the same

thank you
does not work at the moment because of the missing mirror controller + the missing ability to reaname parts

filenames must be 100% for mirrorcontroller to work at the moment
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
Old 08.12.2009, 17:12
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when do you expect it ? Can you open the parts/link names for editing/renaming as an interim solution ? Or better yet - use your "smart-part-identifier" to handle those, and the user could then rename just the link names when needed (w/o the parts) ?

attached here is a case I've just encounted - the name was wrong, but as soon as the download began - it was auto-fixed... Maybe this was a case of bad API for this hoster...

the attachment seems to be low res... so -
Attached Thumbnails

Last edited by rafi; 08.12.2009 at 23:15.
Old 08.12.2009, 23:03
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Originally Posted by rafi View Post
when do you expect it ? Can you open the parts/link names for editing/renaming as an interim solution ? Or better yet - use your "start-part-identifier" to handle those, and the user could then rename just the link names when needed (w/o the parts) ?

attached here is a case I've just encounted - the name was wrong, but as soon as the download began - it was auto-fixed... Maybe this was a case of bad API for this hoster...

the attachment seems to be low res... so -
this host does not have an api and filename is shorten because its given that way on homepage and makes mirrormanagement alot harder
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
Old 08.12.2009, 23:18
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no one is "blaming" you... what bug is on the bugtracer ?
Still, the issue is a general one, not related to this specific hoster...
Old 08.12.2009, 23:26
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Originally Posted by rafi View Post
no one is "blaming" you... what bug is on the bugtracer ?
Still, the issue is a general one, not related to this specific hoster...
its no bug and cannot be fixed. we only have filesize and filename that is available on the downloadpage (or api) and some/many hosters do shorten filenames or change them (add advertising for their hosting service)
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
Old 08.12.2009, 23:37
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so let "us" edit them, and "help" JD... you can also "invent" a match-file names operation on selected links. + there is still the situation (as I mentioned ) of a matching file names but different "part" notations that JD can smartly-compare.

Last edited by rafi; 08.12.2009 at 23:44.
Old 09.12.2009, 03:44
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Originally Posted by rafi View Post
so let "us" edit them, and "help" JD... you can also "invent" a match-file names operation on selected links. + there is still the situation (as I mentioned ) of a matching file names but different "part" notations that JD can smartly-compare.
all those editing, helping, inventing is more complex than you might think. you have to change gui, change database, change handling, change controllers and much more.
JD-Dev & Server-Admin
Old 09.12.2009, 16:34
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Default My vision...

inventing is more complex than you might think
You are the best one to judge that (knowing your available resources & priorities).
And since I know nothing in Java I cannot help much in coding

It's good to have a vision... In uTorrent - mine was a fully automated downloader (by RSS). Eventually it was done nicely. It's not that ALL the RSS related wished-features were implemented though ...

Here - in the same spirit - aiming for auto downloading will be nice. For this you may need:
1. a good page-link grabber (assisted by using good user-filtering)
2. a nice RSS page-locator/loader
I know - it might be much more difficult then in uTorrent, but I think - is doable...

I'm sure that until then - many intermediate versions will be available, and this is now-here a good one. Since someone said (was it you ?) that most bugs are over, it may be time for features...
If a feature also serves the future "vision" (goal) - it's not a waist of time...

Old 10.12.2009, 12:26
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Rafi, have a look at jD's roadmap.

Most developers are still studying and some might have to prepare for exams right now.
Old 10.12.2009, 13:35
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I wish them all - the best of luck (I didn't mention any time-table...).

Thanks for the link

Last edited by rafi; 10.12.2009 at 16:50.

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