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Old 17.06.2010, 19:59
Think3r's Avatar
Think3r Think3r is offline
Community Manager & Admin (inaktiv)
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 3,700
Exclamation RULES: General Bugreports

First of all, have a look at the Self Help Index! Please post Host or Captcha specific problems into the Hoster-Plugins-Forum, Decrypter specific problems into the Decrypter-Plugins-Forum and problems with Reconnection (IP change) into the Reconnect-Forum! In each case, read the Rules and Getting Started threads before posting.

1. Description

Describe as precisely as possible, which things don't work and how to reproduce/cause the error. Please also provide your Java and JDownloader version, as well as your Operating System (OS) and Firewall(FW)/Antivirus(AV) software!

Furthermore, to report Host and Decrypter problems, example links and the version of the corresponding plugin are needed! See the Plugins & Addons --> Host list in JDownloader Settings for versions.

If you have a problem with the user interface (GUI), please post URLs to full size screenshots (on a photo hosting site such as ImageShack.com). There should always be a Log. See How to Capture and Post Screenshots for instructions for saving screenshots.

2. Log

Whenever you experience problems, post a Log!
The Log Level must be ALL!
Save or Upload the Log after the error has occurred.
If you cannot find the Log tab or
if you don't know how to create a correct Log, read: How to Create a Log.

If you can't post your Log, then you can also provide it in a Spoiler in your post (but then every user can read it), attach it as a compressed file or send it via personal message (PM) to a Supporter (see links below) and include the Web address of the rest of the information in the PM.
(Only Developers and Supporters can see Logs, which have been uploaded via the Upload Log button in JDownloader).

If JDownloader crashes or freezes, you can run it in a console window. Please see Posting an Emergency Log for instructions.

3. Other

Bumping your thread is not allowed, unless you think it has been overlooked, which may happen even to us from time to time. Please wait at least 3 days before bumping your thread.

Threads which are older than 2-3 weeks and inactive or in which the topic creator doesn't provide a Log and other relevant information, will be closed or deleted.

Multiple posts are not allowed!
Use the Edit button! Unless you have important news after several days without an answer. Never post the same question in multiple threads!

It may happen that your posts become identified as spam by our anti spam bot, so they will have to be unlocked first. You will not be able to see the post/thread.
In this case and in case of any other problem, you may send a PM to one of us:
drbits, Think3r, pspzockerscene.

4. Thread-Tags

solved: Means that a problem has been solved, the bug fixed in the source code or the topic clarified.
Repaired or new Host and Decrypter plugins will be integrated into JDownloader with the next normal plugin update.
All other fulfilled requests will only be integrated into JDownloader with a major update (version change). Otherwise you will have to employ the Nightly Test Version.

in progress: Means that a topic is under supervision of Supporters or users.
In the case of Bugreports, more information is needed from the topic creator or from other users to localize/fix the problem.
The bug will be added to the Bugtracker only after all of the required information has been provided.

see Bugtracker: Means that the bug or request has been added to the Bugtracker, in which everybody may observe its further development.
Once the bug/request has been fixed/implemented, the corresponding thread will be tagged with solved.
But there is still the possibility of declining tickets at a later date. In this case, the reason will be explained in the ticket, noted in the corresponding thread, and tagged with unsolvable.

unsolvable: Means that a problem can't be solved or that we won't implement a request. Concerning bugs, this happens extremely seldom, for example when a Java specific problem is faced for which we won't be able to find a workaround.
Furthermore, unsolvable will be employed for unqualified and unfounded criticism or insulting messages
Bitte die Regeln lesen! | Please read the forum rules!

REGELN: Bugreports | RULES: Bugreports

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Last edited by Think3r; 05.01.2014 at 16:35.

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