Ich habe das Untertitel-Verhalten nochmal getestet, auch im Zusammenspiel mit den Videos.
Bei Videos kann man die Auswahl, die man oben, bei 'Erlaubte Media Typen' schon getroffen hat, im unteren Teil der 'Standardvarianten' wiederholen, auch mit Variationen. Dann erhält man mehr als nur das 'beste Video'. Mehr als eine srt erhält man aber nie. Videos unterscheiden sich nur in der Qualität, in der Regel reicht da die 'beste Qualität'. Untertitel unterscheiden sich aber im Inhalt (Sprache). Deshalb sollte es auch eine Möglichkeit geben, alle Untertitel anzufordern, notfalls mit einer zusätzlichen checkbox: alle Untertitel. Dem Wunsch, bei einem Video über mehr als eine Untertitelsprache zu verfügen, kommen die Kauf-DVDs nach: da werden fast immer Untertitel in mehreren Sprachen mitgeliefert. (Ob es in yt bei Audio auch unterschiedliche Sprachen gibt, habe ich noch nicht getestet. Denkbar wäre das schon, z.B. bei Spielfilmen. Die kommen in der Regel synchronisiert in deutsche Kinos.) Last edited by werner252; 12.09.2014 at 11:42. |
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I tried my luck at reinstalling jd2 and it worked when i put a video to download for the first time. I then put a second video to dowload and it also was completed. Then for the 3 video I let it download a few mb's and stopped the download with "stop" button on the upper side of the jd2 GUI. I then tried to resume it later, and the problem was back! I tried the localhost( with other softwares(for downloading youtube videos) and not a single one showed this behavior, so there is no problem with the proxy. And i think that there isn't any problem with firewall blocking the port/jd2 either. So i believe the problem might be something of a miscommunication between JD2 and the locahost ( Here are the log files : 12.09.14 16.44.43to12.09.14 16.52.35 jdlog://4259513173041/ 12.09.14 16.52.37to12.09.14 17.19.00 jdlog://5259513173041/ in short: if youtube video downloading is stopped abruptly before completion (on localhost), JD2 cannot download youtube videos anymore (on localhost) unless it is reinstalled. Downloading of youtube videos without proxy is unaffected. the proxy software i use connects the pc via local host ( aka using ssh+ tunneling so I'm pretty sure the problem is between the localhost and JD2, not the proxy (or the firewall?). Maybe JD2 cannot reconnect to localhost after it is forcibily disconnected from it? I've got another doubt (above problem might be related to this): In advanced settings there are 2 "Proxy: youtube" option. One has a checkbox while the other has "null" value (shown in the attached screenshot). Do they serve different purpose or one of them is just a leftover option from previous version? I think this could be interfering with JD2's connection with localhost because the problem i stated only happens with youtube. Other websites(filefactory, tusfiles, etc) work properly over the proxy Last edited by khooni; 12.09.2014 at 15:52. Reason: more info |
I used to be able to search a subject then paste the URL to JD2 and deep scan for file.
now it doesn't work, it will get the file just from the page's URL. is it just me? sample link: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Last edited by raztoki; 13.09.2014 at 05:42. |
Merged YT threads.
@pattyk Works fine for me (current JD2)! Please provide more details, see forumrules! GreeZ pspzockerscene
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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I'll try that link again, but it only grabbed 1 file the last time I check it, and what and how do I get you the respective info
Please and Thank You |
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Please read here: 1. http://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=18085 2. http://board.jdownloader.org/forumdisplay.php?f=11 3. http://board.jdownloader.org/forumdisplay.php?f=22 Cheers,
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JD2 install directory/logs/sessionid/*youtube* JD2 doesn't have any issue with connecting to localhost based IP as a loopback/ssh tunnel proxy. Connections are made at times, and other times not. In your original logs show inconsistencies, one of the new logs with youtube instance has more stable pattern. Finallinks are tried to downloaded (so they have been decrypted), the header for download is present with content size etc, but the connection is aborted due to socket issues. If you can download with other programs it should also be possible with JDownloader. Just seems to have problems with getting the file transfer started. raztoki
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
Is there anyway to reset JD2 without uninstalling? i guess that's my only option. |
@khooni Do you mean to use the default settings? If so, only delete the folder "cfg" which is into the install dir of jd2. If you want to reset only the youtube plugin settings, use search field of the advanced settings and use as keyword "youtube", afterwards reset the values related with youtube.
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JDownloader mostly works when downloading from YouTube, but I keep running into specific videos that it won't download, meaning that if it refuses to download a certain video, it will not download that same video upon any subsequent attempts. I hit "parse URL" and the "module(s) running" tab briefly appears at the bottom of the Linkgrabber, but then it disappears and that's it. Any ideas as to what's going on?
Thanks in advance. |
Please try with JD2. P.S.: Merged youtube threads.
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It worked! Thanks. |
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I have a problem downloading the program according YOUTUBE download full video but this play is incomplete or does not have audio that this is due and how to fix it
Please post a log.
If you can not speak English, but you can speak Spanish, please post your problem here: http://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=52785
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Youtube is having a problem completing the video and audio as of two days ago after the last two updates at least for me.
Hopefully this is sent properly as I'm on the Beta version 20.09.14 08.23.36to20.09.14 08.29.37 jdlog://3079613173041/ The m4a's and sometimes the mp4's are not completing properly and it is after they dl and try to go from .tmp to the final extension. Sometimes I will also end up with the .dashAudio and .dashVideo extensions. There was also an error report supposedly sent via the We need your help!" - Dialogs referenced here also http://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?p=287444
OS X !0.6.8 Mac Pro Intel (Workhorse) OS X 10.13.6 MBP Intel 17" (Secondary) OS X MBP Intel 15" Dual boot 10.6.8 and 10.13.6 (as needed) |
Dachte ich zumindest .. Aber immerhin bleibt das Video im Linksammler jetzt.
Allerdings lässt es sich auch mit onlinestatus prüfen nicht richten. Hilft nur JD Neustart.. |
YouTube Plugin stops naming the date on the file name, this has happened since yesterday, the plugin stops extracting the date from YouTube video to rename the file automatically as I set it on the settings. the date area on the filename is missed.
How can I fix this? |
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
JD2 Beta
you can use any recent video from YouTube yesterday or today uploaded videos this is my customized file name: *channelname* - *date[yyyy.MM.dd]* - *videoname* (*quality*).*ext* |
Merged youtube threads.
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I do recall some videos you need to be logged in to get the date information, as we use alt method to get vid without login it wont be provided then.
I need example links which fail, kthx raztoki
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
take this for example
**External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
no login required, date shows for me
CNN - 201409261121 - Officials_ Man slit wrists, set fire at FAA facility - 1KMmQirWlrY (720p_H264-256kbit_AAC).mp4 raztoki
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
Hmm... Does not work for me too.
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Same problem for me.
Tried with this video: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Customized name: *date[MMdd-EEE]* - *videoname* (*quality*).*ext Log: 27.09.14 19.53.24to28.09.14 11.48.23 jdlog://9018576271141/ Last edited by KsiJames; 28.09.2014 at 05:01. |
Hi all, I just use JD2 two download from youtube.
It list out the links but it require the ffmeg to join video and sound. I understand that it needed when download 1080 and 480p clip. But for me, 720 is enough and I don't want to install 3rd party and also the time to merged these video and audio together. Is there a config to just simply download the 720 directly from youtube without any conversion? Thanks ![]() **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** I only config in this part Last edited by raztoki; 30.09.2014 at 04:36. Reason: removed code bbcode around link |
If 720p videos are dash videos, you will need ffmpeg. If you disable the advanced setting Youtube: Extern Multimedia Tool Usage, then JD2 should return only non dash videos.
Notice ffmpeg is not installed in your system, JD2 downloads ffmpeg and it is integrated into the folder "tools" (C:\Users\JDownloader2\tools\Windows\ffmpeg)
» Setup JD2 / Instalador de JD2 «
Installer for Windows XP/Vista/Seven/Eight || JD2 x86 - x64 (Beta) || Installer for Mac || JD2 (Beta) || Installers for Linux || JD2 (Beta) x86 || <---> || JD2 (Beta) x64 || How to Create a Log -» Click Here «- ¿Cómo crear un registro? -» Click Aquí «- Support Chat / Chat de Soporte -» Click Here / Click Aquí «- Last edited by Lram32; 30.09.2014 at 17:24. |
Settings --> Advanced settings --> "Youtube: Extern Multimedia Tool Usage" --> Disable. GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
![]() Quote:
It is well worth having ffmpeg on your system. It is a small program. |
Thanks for all your supports
![]() everything is fine now |
Dear all,
I am not sure whether this issue has already been discussed or fixed but I am facing an issue when putting youtube links into Jdownloader 2. For some reason it only shows the .jpeg file and not the music/video files. I have that for every link of youtube. Can someone help me with this ? Im using windows 8.1 |
link ? take multiple screen shots of all your youtube settings (there are a lot, scroll down)
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
Just to let you know, I found a way to make the customized filename with date working. You have to use *date_time* instead of *date*. For example, I was using: "*date[MMdd-EEE]* - *videoname* (*quality*).*ext*" But now I have to use: "*date_time[MMdd-EEE]* - *videoname* (*quality*).*ext*" Bye |
date_time is what I use =]
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
Oh I assumed your pattern would be correct so I didnt check it.
GreeZ psp
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
In fact, the pattern is correct.
I mean, I was using "*date[MMdd-EEE]*", it always worked, until some days ago. |
Last edited by kov_123; 11.10.2014 at 20:07. |
date is a different reference i guess, maybe regex lookup needs to be checked. I fixed html5 issue locally but I can no longer commits changes as my source is too different.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
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