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Old 24.11.2009, 21:19
Posts: n/a
Exclamation Rapidshare Password and User name stolen from JDownloader!?

First off i'd like to say a big thanks to all the people who have worked on this software, it rocks and has served me well for about a year now without a problem.

BUT today i recived an email from rapidshare telling me that my account has been used on 16 different ip addresses today and so they belive i have either shared the details or had them stolen from me!:confused:

Now, because i am so used to using jdownloader, and preffer the easy way it sorts out all the downloads, i have never even loged onto my rapidshare account since first buying it, so there is no way i've ever put my details into a phished site.

There are only two other ways my details could have been taken, first, is by someone hacking my email, but i change that password every month because of all my online banking stuff, and second, by someone hacking jdownloader!!!

This has got me really worried! Either someone has got in to my email, in which case i'm really f**ked, or this amasing program is not as reliable as i had always belived.

So i'm just wondering if any one else has experianced simular stuff or can maybe offer any help or advice?

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