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Old 24.10.2009, 12:45
Posts: n/a
Default Store Multiple Router Reconnect Scripts in JD

I would like to request if not already done to add a way to handle Reconnect scripts from JD itself without having to enter them manually evrytime a change is needed.

Some sort of Dropdown list where User can store its own scripts and choose which one to use in the fly.

In my case I run JD and connect throught several diferent routers along the day so I have to store each router script on a external txt file so when I need them I have to delete to one in use, copy the one I need from the txt file and paste it back to JD.

Its not a tedious task but would be nicier having the option to do that changes built in into JD

thanks and keep up the good work with JD.


Last edited by Jiaz; 24.10.2009 at 18:46.
Old 24.10.2009, 13:16
Posts: n/a

Can't you make these scripts external (External tab in Reconnection settings) so that you only have to set a parameter to select the router you want to use? The external script selects the router script according to the parameter.
Old 24.10.2009, 13:32
Posts: n/a

umhh...I see that now..
but still can't figure out how its used...and the wiki info doesnt really clear up things for me...x)

what I want to say is just a "favorites" dropdown list or menu thing..so I only need to select


from a list, having specified and stored previously in JD each router reconnect script.

or at least how can I include my own custom scripts to the JD default list..
Old 24.10.2009, 18:45
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Old 24.10.2009, 23:01
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ohh that sounds great, you put it in queue

Hope to see it working in the future


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