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Old 07.11.2017, 20:49
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Default Huawei HG8245H


I have a Huawei HG8245H router. I spent a couple of hours searching for and trying to make a reconnect script. I've went through your guides, tried to get JD to automatically find a script, tried to make a script with the wizard, tried to find a script in the "Useful scripts" thread and nothing worked.

I was thinking that maybe the batch script tool could be my answer, but I don't really know how to code.

The thing is, when I tried to use the recorder for making scripts, I couldn't find a connect/disconnect feature in my routers page. (I had a Thomson router before and it had it.)

I also tried to find a script bypassing the router, found the ipconfig /release/renew command, but that doesn't change the ip.

I hope someone can help, please ^^
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Old 29.04.2020, 02:48
Colombus Colombus is offline
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I know this is quite late but I have the same router and this is the only method I got it to reconnect.So hope this helps someone.

To get it working you have to use a external tool called "Telnet Scripting Tool" (Google it!) to automate telnet access to your router. Batch script won't work because you cannot access telnet window through scripts.

So download the tool and unzip it.Go to the unzipped folder where TST10.exe is and create a text file called "script.txt" with the following :
WAIT "Login"
SEND "root\m"
WAIT "Password"
SEND "admin\m"
WAIT ">"
SEND "reset\m"

IP adress is your huawei router, "root" and "admin" is the default telnet credentials for your router and should be used as it is unless you changed it manually or by your ISP (not to be confused with the web interface's username and password which you can change by accessing through a web browser)

and lastly in jdownloader choose "External Tool Reconnect" and for "command" select the TST10.exe and for "parameter" add this:

/r:script.txt /m

Normally takes about a ~1min to reconnect.
Optionally you can add "/o:output.txt" to log the telnet process into a text for troubleshooting. Cheers!!

Last edited by Colombus; 23.03.2021 at 03:09. Reason: improved and fixed some grammar mistakes
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Old 12.09.2020, 14:16
dudebro dudebro is offline
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Originally Posted by Colombus View Post
I know this is quite late but i have the same router and this is the only method i got reconnect to work.So hope this helps someone.

To get it working you have to use a external tool called "Telnet Scripting Tool" to automate telnet access to your router.Batch script won't work because you cannot access telnet window through scripts.

So download the tool and unzip it.Go to the unzipped folder where TST10.exe is and create a text file called "script.txt" with the following (IP is your huawei router,"root" and "admin" is its default telnet credentials and not to be confused with web interface username and password):
WAIT "Login"
SEND "root\m"
WAIT "Password"
SEND "admin\m"
WAIT ">"
SEND "reset\m"

and lastly in jdownloader choose "External Tool Reconnect" and for "command" select the TST10.exe and for "parameter" add this:


You shouldn't use the keyboard while the tool is running or it would mess up the login.
Normally takes about a 1min 30s to reconnect.
Optionally you can add "/o:output.txt" to log the telnet process into a text.Cheers!!
Hi, I tried this for my Huawei 525a and it didn't work. Any idea why? Thank you!
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Old 23.03.2021, 02:58
Colombus Colombus is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 2

Originally Posted by dudebro View Post
Hi, I tried this for my Huawei 525a and it didn't work. Any idea why? Thank you!
Can you tell what you did step by step and possibly also attach the output.txt for more info?
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