@mgpai thanks a lot but I already started working on the script using one for finished downloads and another for new links where I use "A Download Stopped" + checking "myDownloadLink.isFinished();" and "A new link has been added", it is way more optimised, performance friendly and faster than trying to use a single script with many API calls, I mean, I already feel bad because I have to go twice through the same array xD.
I am busy doing a lot of things and I have a life rhythm leaving me with not much free time so the script(s) progress slowly, but it is still one of my priorities. By the way, how much URLs per files should I put by default to optimise both memory and performances, considering that if the url is found in the first file(s) it will pay off to have "many" small files but it will punish if the download is on the latest one (also knowing that I'll first compare with downloads already in JD) ? Also my current code remove the http(s) and the www when it is in the link because I thought that there could be cases where one files have been downloaded through a "http" and another through "https", and knowing that some websites accept both with and without "www" it might also reduce possible different URLs pointing to the same address, but is it a good idea or should I remove it or make it optional ? |
removing protocol and subdomain prefix might improve, but wont entirely as many sites have multiple domains, and or continually add new ones. some plugins set a unique identifier (most sites have uid) to combat that. We also typically also correct all urls into JD to one format protocol://domain/(path/)?uid. maybe also adding feature on checksumming either from advertised (hoster end) and confirmation your end could also assist. Note and many alter small components of files to create unique checksums.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
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While it is possible to iterate the package links with this event [link.getPackage().getDownloadLinks()] and find the related links which were marked by JD as "mirror finished", you may not be able to get the finished link from a package using the same method, if the user has manually marked all the links in the package as 'finished". Quote:
While a single file will be easier to manage. A multiple file design might be required/useful in some cases. Guess Jiaz can provide insight in this matter. It may also be easier to create files on per hoster basis (as suggested by Jiaz), instead of limiting the number of urls per file. It will prevent having to iterate all the stored urls, by only having to query those that belong to a particular hoster. Quote:
var url = link.getProperty("LINKDUPEID") || link.getPluginURL(); |
I use the script from post 950 in this thread. It copies all finished downloads to a new container (=Already Downloaded). The listed flag is disabled. In this few days, I found out that not all links are moved. There is no system in that, only most of them are small files like pictures, some are longer archives. Does that Script has to be run in synchron Mode? I have that not enabled. Bye, Christian |
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@raztoki I'll try to use the plugin uid rather than host when this is possible then.
@mgpai Could you provide me urls that would create mirror links recognised by JDownloader. I don't know how it does that, if it need to be on the same folder or not as I tried downloading the same file from two different hosts and save them in different folder where it just started downloaded normally then I tried again on the same folder, and I just got prompted that the file already existed and there are no choice for any kind of mirror. So I have no idea how it work in JDownloader. Also I thought about it I was about to implement a logic which check if the file have downloaded by checking its size, but all those cases match an already scenario where we should actually set the URLs in the list of already downloaded files anyway. I was thinking about making both a file per host but when it reach a certain number of links make another versions, for example host then host1, host2 etc. Actually to avoid the cases where host would have a number on their name messing things up, writing something like host!1 or host_1, as valid hostnames only accept letters numbers dot and "-" sign anyway. Also, in absence of LINKDUPEID and plugin id, is .getContentURL() the right one for individual files ? There are so many 'URLs' that I don't know which one use... |
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MIRROR LINK: Is detected by JD at the time of starting the download, by comparing it with other links in the SAME package based on the "Mirror Detection" settings (Advanced Settings). When a download is completed, the final status of that link will be set to "FINISHED" and that of it's "mirrors" will be set to "FINISHED_MIRROR". You will just need to query that status to determine if a download is finished. DUPLICATE FILE : If a file with same name exists in the destination folder (irrespective of the package where the download link originated from), JD will consider it as a duplicate file. link.getPluginURL() will always return the final url (AFAIK). On the other hand, link.getContentURL() will be null if the container is encrypted. |
I couldn't trigger a mirror link status even with two identical files (same size, different host, different name but in advanced settings I turned off name matching).
Anyway, after experimenting I concluded that myDownloadLink.getDownloadHost() is reliable to get a proper host name for the files that will contain the URLs. I tried to see what I got with myDownloadLink. + getPluginURL() and getProperty("LINKDUPEID"); For PluginURL, sometime I get protocol://domain/(path/)?uid as raztoki stated and sometime I got domain://(path/)?uid. And for LINKDUPEID I either get domain://(path/)?uid or (path/)?uid and sometime I get a format of websitecom_(path/)?uid : (protocol://)website.com/path/video/?quality=480 turned into : websitecom_path_480p. I never saw PluginURL with Domain first format without having LINKPUPEID being identical, but in case of I made the code so that it filter out domain and protocol anyway. So I made this code which always return the (path/)?uid or LINKDUPEID version of it : Code:
var myShortURL = Discombobulator(myDownloadLink.getPluginURL(), myDownloadLink.getProperty("LINKDUPEID")); function Discombobulator(pluginURL, LINKDUPEID) { var shortURL = ''; //Check if there is a LINKDUPEID and take LINKDUPEID or PluginURL depending if (LINKDUPEID == null) { shortURL = pluginURL; } else { shortURL = LINKDUPEID.toString(); } var authority = shortURL.indexOf('://'); if (authority < 0) return shortURL; //Check if URL contain '://' if not return it as it is already the shortest /*Check if there is a protocol before the '://' meaning it contain protocol and host. If it contain protocol, remove protocol and host and return, otherwise remove host and return*/ var shorterURL = shortURL.substring(authority + ('://').length); if (turboEncabulator(shortURL.substring(0, authority))) return shorterURL.substring(shorterURL.indexOf('/') + 1); return shorterURL; } function turboEncabulator(bit) { var protocols = ['http', 'https', 'ftp']; for (var i = 0; i < protocols.length; i++) if (bit == protocols[i]) return true; return false; } Last edited by Demongornot; 09.10.2019 at 17:43. |
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Also, "LINKDUPEID" is not useful outside of JD. It is better to store the final url in its original format, and strip the protocol only when comparing them during dupe check. This will allow the list to be used outside of JD (review/edit/open link in browser/Add back to JD etc.). The plugin url is not always useful (e.g. youtube plugin url) outside of JD. It is better to use content url wherever possible and have plugin url as fallback (From what I have seen, this will return a usable url when content url is null). You can strip to the protocol at the time of dupe check. For example: Code:
var duplicate = linkInList.replace(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?/, "") == linkInJD.replace(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?/, ""); Not in any way suggesting this is the way to do it. Just sharing my thoughts on the subject. |
Is it really necessary to keep the domain name as the file in which short URL would be saved will be already named as the the domain name ?
Or do you suggesting that this isn't enough as subdomain.domain.com can turn into domain.com when using myDownloadLink.getDownloadHost() ? Because in this case I already have a code which return the whole domain and subdomains without the protocol and path, could make it the file name, but this mean that links from the same domain with different subdomains won't be checked, so I think the getDownloadHost is better in that regard. Alternatively, as you said : Quote:
Would it work better ? Well in the case where we want users to be able to manually interact with the URLs indeed Plugin URL isn't the way to go and I like your dupe check code. |
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Storing the urls in original format may not be necessary if the script will be primarily used for dupe check. |
No problems
So I'll make files title being getDownloadHost_number.txt containing lines being shortURL. Considering the default path will be JD_HOME + '\\History' this isn't really for user but rather for dupe check. Using short URL have the advantage of lowering file size and required performances when checking for match. But the way it work could allow for user to set their own path, so I guess I could make an option to store the whole URL only without protocol and www, but this is a one time only decision as obviously changing formats would make things complicated, that's why I didn't really considered making it an option, but well if someone want to, why not. |
Should be fine.
![]() By the way, am I good using only http, https and ftp as protocols ? I read that JDownloader also support Metalinks and Podcasts, and I don't know how those protocols work, as what I understood from a quick read is that Metalink is a collection of regular URL but I don't know how JDownloader handle those anyway. |
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As far as the containers are concerned, the final url will always be available as 'content url' (regular container) or 'plugin url' (encrypted/protected containers). You can also try this code to generate the 'shortURL': Code:
var link = myDownloadLink; var host = link.getDownloadHost(); var url = link.getProperty("LINKDUPEID") || link.getPluginURL(); var shortURL = url.replace(new RegExp(".+:\/\/.*" + host + "/"), "").replace(/.+:\/\//, ""); |
Good, I was afraid it could be a list of URL split by a comma or something like that.
Awesome code, I haven't learn how to control those string and character yet for regular expression, replace and all that. I tested it and well it is impressive how this can filter out so many things in a single line, including cases with subdomains that getDownloadHost() don't return and the domainpluginname:// case too ! Last edited by Demongornot; 10.10.2019 at 20:56. |
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var link = myDownloadLink; var url = link.getProperty("LINKDUPEID") || link.getPluginURL(); var shortURL = url.replace(/(^(https?|ftp):\/\/[^\/]+\/)/, "").replace(/.+:\/\//, ""); Last edited by mgpai; 10.10.2019 at 22:32. |
I tested your 2 codes and mine and I got to the conclusion that mine and your second one does the same thing but your first on get trouble when the "DownloadHost" differ from what is in the url.
Using this code : Trigger : Downloadlist Contextmenu Button Pressed Code:
myDownloadlistSelection = dlSelection; if (myDownloadlistSelection.isLinkContext() == true) { var myDownloadLink = myDownloadlistSelection.getContextLink(); var rAr = Discombobulator(myDownloadLink.getPluginURL(), myDownloadLink.getProperty("LINKDUPEID")); var host = myDownloadLink.getDownloadHost(); var url = myDownloadLink.getProperty("LINKDUPEID") || myDownloadLink.getPluginURL(); var rAr1 = url.replace(new RegExp(".+:\/\/.*" + host + "/"), "").replace(/.+:\/\//, ""); var rAr2 = url.replace(/(^(https?|ftp):\/\/[^\/]+\/)/, "").replace(/.+:\/\//, ""); var nl = getEnvironment().getNewLine(); var sep = nl + "_______________________________" + nl; var t = ["Demongornot's :" + nl, "mgpai's 1 :" + nl, "mgpai's 2 :" + nl, "Host :" + nl, "LINKDUPEID or Plugin URL :" + nl]; alert(t[0] + rAr + sep + t[1] + rAr1 + sep + t[2] + rAr2 + sep + t[3] + host + sep + t[4] + url); } function Discombobulator(pluginURL, LINKDUPEID) { var shortURL; if (LINKDUPEID == null) { shortURL = pluginURL; } else { shortURL = LINKDUPEID.toString(); } var authority = shortURL.indexOf('://'); if (authority < 0) return shortURL; var shorterURL = shortURL.substring(authority + ('://').length); if (turboEncabulator(shortURL.substring(0, authority))) return shorterURL.substring(shorterURL.indexOf('/') + 1); return shorterURL; } function turboEncabulator(bit) { var protocols = ['http', 'https', 'ftp']; if (protocols.indexOf(bit.toLowerCase()) >= 0) return true; return false; } Code:
Demongornot's : embed/xxxx _______________________________ mgpai's 1 : streamango.com/embed/xxxx _______________________________ mgpai's 2 : embed/xxxx _______________________________ Host : fruithosts.net _______________________________ LINKDUPEID or Plugin URL : (protocol)streamango.com/embed/xxxx Last edited by Demongornot; 11.10.2019 at 00:10. |
@mgpai/Demongornot: I'll suggest to create a new thread for the discussion about the development/ideas/questions for the dupe/history support. I can then move the posts to the new thread.
sorry that I'm so quiet but I don't have much time at the moment :(
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Hey mgpai, jiaz sent me here. Is it possible to blacklist a proxy via eventscripter when it causes a 403 geoblocking state?
I'm now trying to put the Scripts vom #950 and #954 together. Is it possible to get the directory path from the JD2/cfg/* directory, were the other databese are hold or is it really necessary to put a absolute Path in there? Bye, Christian |
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var list = "c:/downloads/finished.txt"; // <- Set path to history file You can use any valid path. It can also contain variables. To set the 'cfg' folder as directory path, you can use: Code:
var list = JD_HOME + "/cfg/finished.txt"; // <- Set path to history file |
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Here it is : https://board.jdownloader.org/showpo...88&postcount=1 And don't worry, no one forbid you to have a life ![]() |
How do I set an event script to auto-resume partially downloaded files while JD2 is running? Example: I have a list of 10 files in the download queue and it is simultaneously downloading one or two files, but at some point 2 or 3 of those files will have stopped at any given point with an error of "invalid download directory" so I have to manually right-click-resume and they will automatically complete successfully while JD2 is running, otherwise they will remain incomplete(partially downloaded). I think a 60-second wait is more than an ample wait-time. So basically; set an auto-resume flag for partially downloaded non-resumable links with a 60-second wait time. Minus the 60-sec wait, would this work? var links = getAllDownloadLinks(); for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = links[i]; if (link.getBytesLoaded() == 0) link.setSkipped(true); } startDownloads(); Last edited by RPNet-user; 13.10.2019 at 18:16. Reason: added script sample |
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// Unskip and start downloading links with "Invalid download directory" message, if the destination folder is available. // Trigger : A Download Controller Stopped getAllFilePackages().forEach(function(package) { package.getDownloadLinks().forEach(function(link) { if (link.getSkippedReason() == "INVALID_DESTINATION") { if (getPath(package.getDownloadFolder()).exists()) { link.setSkipped(false); if (!isDownloadControllerRunning()) startDownloads(); } } }) }) I would not recommend using 'interval' unless you have to, especially if you are having a lot of links. You may end up needlessly iterating through the list using up valuable system resources. Also, the error might be symptomatic of hardware issues. It might be better to fix the underlying cause. If you provide more information, Jiaz might be able to look into it. |
Thanks, I already have a thread open on this, however, it is neither hardware nor permission related as this is only occurring when downloading files from only one host: "uploaded", and via the uploaded premium account; uploaded links that are generated via the rpnet-multihoster account plugin does not cause the issue.
So I will enable this script only when downloading "uploaded" links and the uploaded account is enabled since I currently have it as a priority over my multihoster account under account usage rules. |
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// Unskip and start downloading links with "Invalid download directory" message, if the destination folder is available. // Trigger : Download Controller Stopped var accountEnabled = callAPI("accounts", "queryAccounts", { "enabled": true }).some(function(account) { return account.hostname == "uploaded.to" && account.enabled; }) if (accountEnabled) { getAllFilePackages().forEach(function(package) { package.getDownloadLinks().forEach(function(link) { if (link.getSkippedReason() == "INVALID_DESTINATION") { if (getPath(package.getDownloadFolder()).exists()) { link.setSkipped(false); if (!isDownloadControllerRunning()) startDownloads(); } } }) }) } Last edited by mgpai; 13.10.2019 at 23:00. Reason: Corrected the description in script |
thank you mgpai, that one is even better since i would not have to enable/disable it every time i enable the uploaded account.
@RPNet-User: please see your other thread. create a log for that error. There must be a reason for this and not *workaround* by unskipping
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
Not sure if this is the right place to post this question... Jiaz told me you were very talented with eventscripter and jdownloader and said that you would be the one I should contact. ![]() It would be very helpful if J-downloader could automatically check a you tube channel and download any new videos that have been posted. This would save a lot of time if a channel has hundreds of videos on it, so that we would not have to sort through the whole channel each time to find new updates. How would I go about doing this? Are you able to build a script plug in which would enable this feature? Thank you for your help |
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gist.github.com/mgpai/09252b6b72828c290fd141da81be14a1/download |
Merged EventScripter threads.
JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
Erste Schritte & Tutorials || JDownloader 2 Setup Download |
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In the meanwhile you can prevent, or atleast reduce the chance of using the same GEO-Blocked connection for the hoster, by setting "GeneralSettings.freeproxybalancemode" to "RANDOM". Last edited by raztoki; 16.10.2019 at 00:42. Reason: spelling and grammar |
Neither one of these scripts are working, I'm still having to manually right-click and resume. No issue of any missing directory as I was able to resume them immediately after the error and the download completes them without issues. Last edited by RPNet-user; 18.10.2019 at 09:10. Reason: added information |
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webchat.freenode.net//#jdownloader?nick=JD_00? |
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Ignore my previous post, the script does work, I just didn't know that it waits till the end of the downloads and then required a one time script permission prompt to run. In my impatient mind, I was thinking that the script would unskip and resume immediately just after the invalid directory error. See screenshot, all those partial downloads were invalid directories before the script permission prompt at the end of the completed download queue. By the way, just before the error messages, I know it will happen every time because the download bandwidth drops down to "0" just before the invalid download directory message error occurs, which is only caused by "uploaded" premium account downloads. |
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The first thing I see in the script: What is with mirror links? As I can see, you use "link.isFinished", that event is only triggert for the link that is really downloaded. How do you handle mirror-links? With what event is the Script triggert? Maybe you can put some more comments in for explanation, please. bye, Christian |
@pspzockerscene Were you aware that the discussion was purposefully not posted in this thread as asked by Jiaz and this is a conscious decision or did you merged it ignoring Jiaz made this request ?
@Amiganer I have basically done the script which write finished downloads now, I am already in the commenting phase (as it is a small and simple script I didn't needed to comment it while writing it) be prepared as I have close to no experience with commenting my code for sharing it, so I don't know if it will end up correctly or with too much or not enough informations. I have no idea what to do with mirror links as I haven't found any way to get one to experiment with them. Since the thread have been merged back again I won't update too much to not overload this general use thread with my script progress. I have few other things going on so the script isn't progressing super fast but it is still in my priorities. The part 1 (Writing finished downloads) use "A Download stopped" trigger. If I got my hand on a pair of links that will be consider as mirror by JD, I'll test out the necessary code to handle them if required. Edit : Nevermind, I found a valid mirror, I'll experiment tomorrow with them. Edit 2 : For what I see there will be two things I'll add, first, when a download finish, an option to check for their mirrors (as they don't trigger "A Download stopped") in the same package. And a third script which will work with right click on a download to add it to the history list, it won't be long to code as it will basically pretty much the same as the one for finished downloads, except it won't check for mirrors or if it is finished to lets the user add whatever URL he want. Last edited by Demongornot; 21.10.2019 at 14:25. |
@Demongornot: pspzocker didn't know about the decision and just merged it back by accident
JD-Dev & Server-Admin |
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JD Supporter, Plugin Dev. & Community Manager
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