nie wiem czy to odpowiedni temat na ten problem, więc proszę ewentualnie go przesunąć. Chciałbym poinformować że JD2 od pewnego czasu nie pokazuje okienka do rozwiązania kodu captcha, jeśli link jest bez captchy to go rozwiązuje, jeśli zaś jest nałożona na link captcha to pokazuje komunikat że pod linkiem nic nie ma, nie zgłaszając prośby o wypełnienie captchy. pozdrawiam **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** Last edited by darekzp; 09.04.2015 at 14:51. |
Podaj proszę przykładowe linki.
Sprawdź też: Ustawienia Zaawansowane => CaptchaSettings: Captcha Mode - powinno być: NORMAL. Być może wyłączyłeś kiedyś obsługę Captcha całkowicie (wartość: SKIP_ALL) w okienku dialogowym. Sprawdź także, czy nie jest aktywny Tryb Cichy: Interfejs Użytkownika -> Zarządzanie Oknami
--------------------- Poradnik użytkownika jD - najczęściej spotykane problemy Instalatory JD2: http://jdownloader.org/jdownloader2 Last edited by editestowy; 09.04.2015 at 18:36. |
mam (i miałem ustawione) tak jak sugerujesz.
aha, dodam że JD1 działa to poprawnie link do testów z captcha): **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** link bez captcha **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** |
--------------------- Poradnik użytkownika jD - najczęściej spotykane problemy Instalatory JD2: http://jdownloader.org/jdownloader2 |
will require a core update (which I can't push), eta next week some time. raztoki
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
niestety nic nie działa, wesja JD2 (aktualizowana na bieżąco)
oto przykład linka zakodowanego : **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** program po wklejeniu tego linka przetwarza go, ale w efekcie nic nie pokazuje... linki nie kodowane captchą działają, przykład: **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** pozdrawiam |
thanks for your report
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
ok, i'm waiting for fixing.
it's already fixed and update is live.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
did not work
check this link : **External links are only visible to Support Staff****External links are only visible to Support Staff** after pasting the link, the plugin works..., but the result does not show the request to enter a captcha code, and displays nothing |
works fine here, you need to not have silent mode enabled, or settings > captcha > dialog (window) in jdownloader needs to be checked, specially if you don't have any means to solve captcha.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
In mine JD this "Diagog (Window) was Disabled and I'm pretty sure I didn't change it before. After Enabling this - it works. Maybe the new option: "Dialog (Window) in the Browser..." (added recently to the JD and Enabled by default) disabled the other option?
--------------------- Poradnik użytkownika jD - najczęściej spotykane problemy Instalatory JD2: http://jdownloader.org/jdownloader2 |
changing browser solver setting shouldn't effect dialog (window) setting, only time that would happen is if copy paste was used by coalado and setter value wasn't changed, I'll have a quick look for you.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
I don't see a problem with the settings. its all abstracted so very hard to make copy paste mistakes
-edit- found the missing line of code required, after next core update we will have a setting on the toolbar and mainmenu for browser solver quick toggle. raztoki
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] Last edited by raztoki; 14.05.2015 at 20:29. |
you're right - it works
you need to set in the settings -> captcha -> Dialog window in JDownloader after the update, please set it as the default option |
it is default behaviour, seems that some of you have disabled it or maybe a bad setting has disabled it.
raztoki @ jDownloader reporter/developer http://svn.jdownloader.org/users/170 Don't fight the system, use it to your advantage. :] |
znowu coś uszkodzono , bo safelinking nie działa - linki nie kodowane.
-- Edit 2016-02-27 Odrzucone - brak odpowiedzi.
--------------------- Poradnik użytkownika jD - najczęściej spotykane problemy Instalatory JD2: http://jdownloader.org/jdownloader2 Last edited by editestowy; 27.02.2016 at 11:22. |
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