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Old 28.11.2024, 17:21
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FBD FBD is offline
Giga Loader
Join Date: Nov 2018
Location: https://web.libera.chat/#jDownloader
Posts: 96
Post Automatically unskip skipped downloads

This script unskips downloads that were skipped for various reasons.

Trigger required: Interval

// Unskip skipped downloads
// Trigger: Interval

// Create a new empty script, name it appropriately and paste this code
// Save the file and set a trigger interval for the check to be executed


var downloads = getAllDownloadLinks();
for (a = 0; a < downloads.length; a++) {
    if (downloads[a].isEnabled()) {
            if ((downloads[a].getStatus() == "403 GEO-blocked"
                 // other conditions, enable as needed
                 // || downloads[a].getStatus() == "Retry in 15 minutes"
                 // || downloads[a].getStatus() == "Blocked by Firewall, ISP"

                 // but usually it's better to not rely on the status text as it will be different when jdownloader is not set to english
                 // use the FinalLinkStatus instead, possible status types: "FINISHED,"FAILED","FAILED_CRC32","FAILED_MD5","FAILED_SHA1","FAILED_EXISTS","FAILED_FATAL,"OFFLINE,"PLUGIN_DEFECT""
                 // || downloads[a].getFinalLinkStatus() == "FAILED"
                 // enable if you only want this action for specific hosts
                 // && ( downloads[a].getHost() == "zippyshare.com"
                 // || downloads[a].getHost() == "rapidgator.com"
                 // )
                ) {


Direct download: raw.githubusercontent.com/FarBeyondDriven/JDscripts/refs/heads/main/UnskipDownloads.js
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